Preventing, controlling and managing pollution is central to improving health, human well-being and prosperity for all.
UNEP drives capacity and leadership in sound management of chemicals and waste while working to improve ways to reduce waste through circularity and pollutants released to the air, water, soil and the ocean.
19 Nov
Stopping Antimicrobial Resistance is a shared responsibility
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites no longer respond to antimicrobial agents. World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) is a global campaign to raise awareness and understanding of AMR and promote best practices among One Health stakeholders to reduce the emergence and spread of drug-resistant infections. WAAW is celebrated from 18-24 November every year.
18 Nov
Jeddah conference closes with adoption of global pledges to tackle antimicrobial resistance
Image: FAO/Yerkem Sembayeva
The 4th Global High-Level Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) wrapped up on Saturday with the adoption of the Jeddah Commitments, which lay out practical, actionable and cross-sectoral steps stakeholders can take to address this complex health issue.
Welcoming the adoption of the Jeddah Commitments, Jacqueline Alvarez, head of UNEP’s Chemicals and Health Branch, said the outcome document is an example of successful multilateralism and “the benefits of working jointly among the different sectors”.
She added: “The Jeddah Commitments bring everybody that has a role to play together for action.”
Crucial talks on plastic pollution to start next week
Image: Unsplash/Killari Hotaru
On 25 November, the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-5) will start in Busan, Republic of Korea.
The hope is that an agreement will be reached that is based on a comprehensive approach that addresses the full life cycle of plastic, including its production, design, and disposal. With plastics causing 3.4 per cent of global emissions in 2019, it is vital that progress is made in Busan.
16 Nov
UNEP Head: The moment of truth for plastic pollution is imminent
“Because plastic pollution is causing huge harm to the natural systems on which we all depend. And it may well be harming people, as plastics loaded with chemicals increasingly enter our bloodstreams.”
Under the theme “From Declaration to Implementation – Accelerating Actions Through Multisectoral Partnerships for the Containment of AMR” the conference will provide a platform for exchange of best practices and pave the road to implementation across the entire ecosystems, including human- and animal health, agriculture as well as the environment.
The event will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to reflect on the INC process and explore how the Partnership could best continue to support efforts to reduce and prevent plastic pollution and marine litter, from local to global in all relevant sectors.
Please register online for the event to share your thoughts on the future of the GPML.
05 Nov
Workshop on Environmental and Social Aspects of Critical Energy Transition Minerals and the African Mining Vision
Organized by UNEP and partners, the joint regional stakeholder consultation workshop will focus on the review of the Africa Mining Vision (AMV) and the African Minerals Governance Framework Action (AMGF) action plans that focus on environmental and social issues.
Participants would get to know the basics of AMR, promises made by world leaders, WAAW plans of the quadripartite, importance of One Health approach to address AMR at all levels, among other pertinent issues – ahead of the global annual observance of WAAW on the theme: “Educate. Advocate. Act Now.”
This year’s Global Media Forum will also shine a spotlight on the winners of the Global AMR Media Awards 2024.
This event will explore what to expect on the remaining road to INC-5 and in Busan especially:
Updates from intersessional work
Key priorities for the treaty text and key elements on which negotiations need to focus most on achieving convergence? What are the key challenges to convergence and how to address them?
Options and appetite for addressing upstream parts of the plastic lifecycle