Working methods

The Secretariat of Governing Bodies and Stakeholders of UNEP regularly communicates with member states, observers and stakeholders on the availability of documentation, meetings and other announcements. The Secretariat continuously improves and monitors best practices and uses well-established tools and platforms, in alignment with the UN General Assembly. We invite all CPR, UNEA delegates and relevant stakeholders to get familiar with the tools listed below in order to participate effectively.

  • Organization of work

    The final outcome of the Consensual Process for Review by the Committee of Permanent Representatives as endorsed in paragraph 1 of UNEA decision 5/4 provides measures for the improvement or the efficiency and effectiveness of the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the United Nations Environment Assembly and its subsidiary bodies.

    In paragraph 41 (j) of the Chair’s Summary of the 9th annual subcommittee meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives and endorsed at the Resumed 160th Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives the Committee recommended that the CPR Bureau supported by the Secretariat : 

    1. Prepare a strategically planned roadmap for CPR quarterly and subcommittee meetings, indicating provisional relevant agenda items, well in advance of the meetings; 
    2. Develop a standing agenda for quarterly CPR meetings that will include a report of the CPR subcommittees with recommendations for consideration by the CPR, quarterly reports to the CPR, relevant audits and evaluation reports, and preparations for UNEA-6; 
    3. Prepare annotated agendas well in advance to the meetings that provides information on background documents, focus of the discussion and possible recommendations; 
    4. Prepare background documents well in advance that will include possible recommendations; and 
    5. Clearly outline agreed recommendations and decisions in the report of the CPR, with the understanding that there is a specific agenda item during which those recommendations are agreed upon.”

    The guidance on the organization of work for the Committee of Permanent Representatives contains consensual conclusions, such as working timelines and arrangements, pertaining to the implementation of paragraph 41 (j) referred to above. This guidance was endorsed by the CPR as its resumed 162nd meeting.

    On 12 September 2024, the CPR, at its 167th quarterly meeting, adopted the recommendation on lessons learned from the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEP/CPR/167/7/ADD.1/Rev.1) which provides guidance to Member States, the UNEA President, the Bureaux of the Committee of Permanent Representatives and the United Nations Environment Assembly and the Secretariat in preparing for future UNEAs.

  • Re-transmission of formal letters and Note Verbales

    Based on established practice, the UNEP Secretary will no longer circulate individual communications, including formal letters and Notes Verbales from Member States, non-Member States, the European Union as well as other intergovernmental organizations to the members of the CPR and the environmental focal points, with the exception of the following: 

    • Communications from the President/Chair of an intergovernmental body for which UNEP serves as the Secretariat.
    • Subject to a decision by the Secretariat, invitations to UNEP-relevant meetings, side events and receptions. Furthermore, delegates are also invited to use the United Nations Journal at Nairobi to inform Member States and Stakeholders of such meetings/events. 

    The UNEP Secretariat will continue to make available relevant and timely information from the Executive Director and Division Directors on issues related to UNEP, UNEA, the CPR, Multilateral Environmental Agreements, or other intergovernmental processes. 

  • e-deleGATE

    In July 2024, UNEP started the transition of the current e-mailing system towards e-deleGATE.

    Any Member State, IGO or UN employee wishing to continue receiving emails from the UNEP Secretariat of Governing Bodies after the 30 September will need to have an e-deleGATE account.

    If you do not have an e-deleGATE account yet, please contact your e-deleGATE administrator in your mission, organization or Ministry and they will create an account for you so you can continue to receive our CRP and UNEA related correspondence after 30 September 2024.

    Visit our e-deleGATE FAQ section for more information.

  • UN Journal for Nairobi

    The UN Journal for Nairobi provides a calendar of official meetings of the governing bodies of UNEP as well as other meetings organized by UNEP and held in Nairobi.

  • Meeting portal

    Our meeting portal enables you to search for meetings by date and type, providing access to essential information about the meeting, along with documents shared before, during, and after the meeting.

  • Roadmaps for the UN Environment Programme Governing Bodies

    The roadmaps provide a regular update on key meetings of Governing Bodies, including meetings in preparation for the next session of the UN Environment Assembly and other meetings relevant for the Assembly.

  • Directories

    The UNEP Secretariat maintains:

    1. a directory of all members accredited to the Committee of Permanent Representatives
    2. a directory of Ministers of Environment and Focal Points

    It is the sole responsibility of Permanent Missions to inform UNEP of any changes regarding the information displayed in both directories. All changes should be submitted via a Note Verbale sent by email to the Secretariat of Governing Bodies and Stakeholders at

  • Repository of resolutions, decisions and declarations

    The repository lists all the resolutions, decisions and declarations adopted since 1973 from the sessions of the Governing Council (GC) and of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA). The table can be filtered by name of the session, year of the session or type of document. It is also possible to search for key words in the title.