Программа ООН по окружающей среде

World Adaptation Science Programme

In Climate Action

The World Adaptation Science Programme is one of the four components that form the World Climate Programme (WCP) based on the WMO Congress XVI Resolution18.

It was formed eight years ago (2008) based on a request to its Executive Council by the UN Environment Programme. It was assessed by the Council and approved as a joint initiative between UN Environment Programme and the World Meteorological Organization, mentioned in the Congress XVI Resolution18, with its Secretariat hosted at UN Environment in Nairobi.

World Adaptation Science Programme represents an interface between the research community and decision makers and other stakeholders. Its objective is to improve policy-relevant research on Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (VIA), allowing scientists to coordinate and facilitate the dissemination and practical application of their research in decision making for Governments and other stakeholder.

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In Climate Action


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