Программа ООН по окружающей среде
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DaRT: Facilitating synergies and cooperation with the MEAs

In Environmental law and governance

The submission of national reports on the implementation of biodiversity-related multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) is a requirement for Parties. For many countries, however, the compilation of national reports is a heavy workload, due to the number of reports to be submitted, the involvement of numerous experts across Ministries, and the challenge of identifying pertinent information sources.

The Data Reporting Tool for MEAs is the first tool supporting Parties to use synergies in the field of knowledge management for national reporting to biodiversity-related conventions. It eases the national reporting load by promoting effective knowledge management across Ministries and administrative units in one national working space, enhancing synergies across conventions, and increasing effectiveness of national efforts to achieve global environmental targets.

The DaRT website was launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in March 2020 and is hosted through the InforMEA server. The UNEP Executive Director, Ms. Inger Andersen stated that:

“The DaRT is a powerful tool that aims to strengthen our understanding of the linkages between the global biodiversity, sustainable development and health agendas. An ambitious, measurable, relevant and transformational post-2020 global biodiversity framework will require us to significantly increase cooperation at all levels, moving beyond the corridors of environment ministries to include relevant Ministries that deal with the drivers of biodiversity loss whether land use change, climate change, pollution, natural resource use and exploitation, or invasive species.”

The DaRT is currently being rolled out to the countries and MEAs through dedicated outreach. in DaRT was introduced to the African region as well as relevant MEA Secretariats and is expanding its interoperability with relevant knowledge management platforms such as other Online Reporting Systems (ORS), Bioland and the Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) of the Convention on Biological Diversity, UNBiodiversity Lab and the World Environment Situation Room. The DaRT tool is in its third phase, focusing on sustainability, interoperability, MEAs governing bodies’ recognition, and outreach activities.

The DaRT has been supported with generous financial contributions from the Government of Switzerland and the European Union.

For more information, please contact; Diane.Klaimi@un.org 

In Environmental law and governance