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  • Overview

The Kenya SWITCH Africa Green grants were officially awarded to the successful applicants at a well-attended ceremony held on 16 November 2015 at the Boma Inn hotel in Nairobi. The grants were presented by Mr. Hjordis Ogendo, Head of Social Affairs and Environment, Delegation of the European Union to Kenya, and Mr. Hezekiah Okeyo, Director, Vision 2030, Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development.

During the first call for proposals, 55 concept notes were received from Kenya, and, after preliminary screening and evaluation, four organizations qualified for SWITCH Africa Green grants. The Kenyan projects focus on greening the leather sector, sustainable tourism, enhancing sustainable production of medicinal plants, and promoting green business development and eco-entrepreneurship in the agriculture sector.

In attendance were representatives from the Kenya SWITCH Africa Green National Technical Coordination Committee, the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Office for Project Services, the United Nations Development Programme and various stakeholders, including beneficiary micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The four Kenyan organizations that received grants are shown in the table.

SWITCH Africa Green grants awarded in Kenya


Project title

Grant award

COMESA Leather and Leather Products Institute

Greening leather SMEs

$248 508

Collaborating Center on Sustainable Production (CCSP) gGmbH

Enhancing sustainable tourism innovation

$249 980

International Center of Insect Physiology (ICIPE)

Upscaling sustainable production of

medicinal plants

$250 000

Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA)

Green business development and eco-entrepreneurship in agriculture

$249 967