• Overview

The South Africa SWITCH Africa Green grants were officially awarded to the six successful applicants from South Africa in a ceremony held on 15 December 2015 at the Southern Sun Hotel in Pretoria, South Africa. During the second call for proposals, 14 concept notes were received from South Africa and, after preliminary screening and evaluation, six organizations from South Africa qualified for SWITCH Africa Green grants (see table). The beneficiaries received more than USD 1.4 million for various projects related to the green economy and sustainable development.

The projects in South Africa focus on eco-labelling, sustainable ecosystems, energy efficiency and sustainable agriculture in the meat sector. The grants were presented by Mr. Marcus Cornaro, European Union Ambassador to South Africa, supported by Mr. Walid Badawi, Country Director for the United Nations Development Programme, Mr. Albi Modise, Chief Director of Communications at the Department of Environmental Affairs, and Mr. Tlou Ramaru, Chief Policy Advisor, Sustainable Development, at the Department of Environmental Affairs.

“I hope that all of the grant projects will contribute to more competitive businesses in South Africa and will be able to provide recommendations to policy-makers about the best ways to achieve sustainable consumption and production”, said Mr. Cornaro during the presentation of the awards.

SWITCH Africa Green grants awarded in South Africa


Project title

Grant award

Khusel’indalo South Africa

Meat Naturally Initiative: Embedding sustainability in South Africa’s emerging red meat sector

$250 000

Living lands

Collaborating to facilitate investments and shifts to a green economy that can improve social well-being and the provision of ecosystems services in the Port Elizabeth western catchment area

$250 000

Proudly South African

Awareness creation and capacity-building for ecolabelling in agriculture, agri-processing, manufacturing and integrated waste management in South Africa

$250 000

Fundacion Sustalde

Sustainable production and commercialization strategies in the agrifood sector in South Africa

$248 033

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership

Management of sustainable energy production from integrated waste management and agri-processing system

$250 000

Fairtrade label-South Africa

Promoting SCP in South African agricultural value chain

$250 000