Error message

Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\ckeditor_media_embed\Embed::$embed_provider is deprecated in Drupal\ckeditor_media_embed\Embed->setEmbedProvider() (line 118 of modules/contrib/ckeditor_media_embed/src/Embed.php).
  • Overview

The grantees from the second call for proposal were given in-depth training on the monitoring and evaluation guidelines for the SWITCH Africa Green programme. The training sessions were held in Mauritius on 12–13 November 2015. During the training, the grantees and their partners were first taken through the grant support agreement signed with the United Nations Office for Project Services and then given in-depth training on the project monitoring and evaluation requirements. This was followed by a session on financial reporting issues, including timelines and specific indicators in the grantee project logframe matrices. The grantees were urged to identify the beneficiary micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) as early as possible to ensure that the projects produced results within a reasonable time frame.