The SWITCH Africa Green National Networking Forum in Mauritius was held in two parts. One meeting was held at the Business Parks of Mauritius Ltd. Cyber Tower 1 – Ebène Cybercity from 10 to 12 May 2017. The other meeting took place at the Cultural and Leisure Centre, Mont Plaisir, Rodrigues Island, on 8 and 9 May 2017. Together, these meetings attracted about 170 participants from various sectors, such as government, development partners, civil society and the private sector, including SWITCH Africa Green grantees and beneficiaries. The main objectives of the networking forum were to discuss the opportunities, challenges and barriers faced by the private sector in transitioning to an inclusive, low-carbon green economy promoting sustainable consumption and production practices and patterns; to discuss how to scale up and replicate green business in the context of trade associations, micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and government policies and programmes; and to foster networking among the various project entities and with other stakeholders.
The meeting in Mauritius, which began on 10 May 2017, was attended by about 70 participants, including Ms. Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawoo, Minister for Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare and Acting Minister for Social Security, National Solidarity and Environment and Sustainable Development; Mr. Simon Springet, United Nations Resident Coordinator and Resident Representative for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); Ms. Marjaana Sall, Ambassador of the European Union to Mauritius; Ms. Sin Lan Ng Yun Wing, Director of Environment at the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity, Environment and Sustainable Development; and the members of the National Technical Coordinating Committee.
In her opening remarks, Ms. Sall highlighted the European Union’s direct role in contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 12 by supporting the adoption of sustainable consumption and production patterns and practices. “With the SWITCH Africa Green initiative, the European Union is supporting this development and offering significant opportunities for Mauritius to develop its green economy through small and medium-sized enterprises for job creation, value addition and economic democratization,” she said, referring to the Mauritian vision of becoming a high-income country through strengthening MSMEs.
Photo | SWITCH Africa Green
Mr. Springett reiterated that the United Nations was dedicated to driving progress on the green economy. “[Mauritius’] dedication to the cause of green economy can bring policy reforms and incentives to stimulate the public and private sectors, as well as development partners, to invest more funds in clean technologies, renewable energy sources, water efficiency and waste management, all of which will be more sensitive to the environment without compromising the livelihoods of the people of the country,” he said.
Photo | SWITCH Africa Green
Delivering the keynote address, Ms. Jeewa-Daureeawoo noted that current resource use was not sustainable, hence the need to switch to more sustainable consumption and production patterns, with resource efficiency at the core. Stressing the importance of advancing to a greener economy, she recognized the contribution of the SWITCH Africa Green programme to the green economy, saying, “SWITCH Africa Green has been an important lever since its inception for catalysing action towards a greener economy.” Notably, the Minister highlighted cabinet endorsement of the Country Implementation Plan, which was prepared with support from SWITCH Africa Green.
Various grantees and project partners made presentations on the progress achieved, opportunities and best practices, covering the priority sectors in Mauritius, which were agriculture, manufacturing and tourism. Various presentations were made on organic farming, sustainable agricultural techniques and promoting sustainable consumption and production in the tourism sector. Participants were informed that Mauritius had begun working towards implementing the “Greening the Economy Country Implementation Plan”, having formed subcommittees to work on the identified priority sectors.
The meeting on Rodrigues Island attracted about 100 participants and was officially opened by the Chief Commissioner of Rodrigues, Mr. L. Serge Clair. In his keynote address, Mr. Clair reiterated the need for sustainable agricultural practices and lauded the role of SWITCH Africa Green in championing sustainable production and consumption practices as he highlighted the regional government’s agenda of promoting local production. He celebrated the actions that had brought positive changes through that initiative, including the creation of jobs for young people in Rodrigues.
Thirty-three beneficiaries who had received a variety of SWITCH Africa Green training, including on bookkeeping, horticulture, and making soft toys, candles, soap and beauty products, were awarded certificates during the forum. About 320 people, 90% of them women, had been trained since the programme was launched and were now operating enterprises and applying sustainable production and consumption practices in their business. Thirty-one of the businesses displayed products at an exhibition held during the forum.
Various topics were discussed during the forum, including the context of the local green economy and instruments for entrepreneurship and services. Eight SWITCH Africa Green entrepreneurs made presentations, sharing their experiences in implementing sustainable consumption and production practices in their businesses. Rodrigues Island had three grantees working with about 1,000 MSMEs to help them green their businesses, with a focus on the agriculture, manufacturing and tourism sectors.
Photo | SWITCH Africa Green