SWITCH Africa Green Programme in Ethiopia organized the national policy dialogue to discuss identified policy interventions that promote nature-based solutions, and Sustainable Consumption and Production practices in Ethiopia. The platform also provided a platform for policy makers and key stakeholders to discuss policy responses required and to be strengthened to build back green, inclusive, and better.
The event was funded by the European Union, through the SWITCH Africa Green Programme, and jointly organized by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority (EEPA) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
The objective of the workshop was to provide a platform for policy makers and key stakeholders to discuss on ways of accelerating green, inclusive and better transition in the era of COVID-19, to building back green and better.
Specific Objectives included:
Target Audience:
Over 50 participants comprising of 10 Regional States Representatives and 40 national level representatives including - National Technical Coordination Committee representatives, SWITCH Africa Green grantees, policy makers in the priority and key sectors, private sector, development partners, academia, European Union Delegation in Ethiopia, UNEP, UNRC and relevant UN Country Team members attended the forum