• Overview

The manufacturing sector in Uganda covers a wide range of activities, including the processing of raw materials into more valuable products. Therefore, a significant overlap occurs between manufacturing and other sectors, including construction, agriculture, forestry, handicrafts, and clean energy. The core concept behind green manufacturing is developing environmentally friendly production methods and manufacturing processes that limit harm to nature while simultaneously boosting the economy. 

Currently, over 90 percent of Uganda’s private sector labor force comes from micro, small and medium enterprises. Green manufacturing has the potential to play an additional role in creating jobs and improving livelihoods through its many related sectors. 

The Ugandan Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives with support from SWITCH Africa Green programme and in collaboration with the Uganda Cleaner Production Centre, has developed a green manufacturing strategy. The strategy will create an enabling environment for the development of green businesses that internalize sustainable consumption and production practices to improve resource productivity and environmental performance and contribute to sustainable manufacturing.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief