• Overview

After the welcome speech by Mr Jean Carlo Botsar, Departmental Head of the Commission of Environment, Forestry, Tourism, Fisheries and Marine Parks, the workshop was officially opened by the Commissioner of Environment, Mr Richard Payendee. The commissioner gave assurance of the full support of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly to the implementation of the SWITCH Africa Green project in Rodrigues. He expressed his appreciation of the fact that the national projects being implemented in Rodrigues were in line with the Regional Government’s objective of making Rodrigues an ecological island. Mr Payendee thanked EU for the financial support, and UNEP, UNDP and UNOPS for assisting with the implementation of the SWITCH Africa Green projects in Rodrigues. Mass media representatives, including MBC of Rodrigues were present to cover the opening ceremony of the workshop.

Presentations on the overview of the project, the grant system mechanism as well as Greening the business were given by UNEP and UNOPS followed by the three grantee presentations from Rodrigues. The grantee presentations focused on highlighting achievements and challenges of implementing the project since November 2015 when the projects started; as well as the financial status of the projects.

Representation of beneficiaries from each project was high for each of the three projects. Officials from the Commission for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries who participated in provided useful inputs regarding optimisation of limited resources in Rodrigues regarding implementation of the projects. For example, sharing of consultants with similar competencies, such an expert in Agriculture, that are required for the projects being implemented by the Department of Fisheries and the Centre de Formation Agricole Frere Remy. It was highlighted that linkage amongst the projects was to be very important for effective implementation of the project in Rodrigues.