30 Oct 2016 Beneficiaries Story Manufacturing

Company creates awareness on efficient use of water among employees

AK Oils and Fats (U) Ltd produces sunflower and soya bean crude oil from sunflower and soya bean seeds respectively. It’s a subsidiary of Mukwano Industries
(U) Ltd, a private limited company located in the Upper Nile Water Management Zone.

On engaging with SWITCH Africa Green, water efficiency was an eye opener to the operations manager who realized the need to participate in the program. This resulted in the company conducting daily monitoring for leakages throughout the entire company.

The company has also initiated development of awareness raising posters to sensitize all of the 140 employees on efficient use of water.

Other structural developments have also been achieved with another bathroom being constructed. Requisitions for the push button taps have also been made as water efficient taps have been installed. All Staff have been provided with gloves and nose masks. The company has also undertaken to the re–building of soak pit and the expanding of the septic tank. Treatment tanks have been constructed. Plumbing works and the blowers will be finalized in 2017.
Notably, the company conducted post impact assessment on water and records show significant savings from 3.2 cubic meters/ton of production to 2.4 cubic meters/ton of production.