30 Oct 2016 Beneficiaries Story Agriculture

Company plans to install solar boiler to enjoy benefits of reduced Energy Expenditure

Otis Seeds deals in agribusiness including processing and selling of seeds, mainly, early germination seeds. The company buys seeds from MSMEs then processes the seeds and sells them. Otis works with various partners including the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), local government, Plan international and WFP among others.

On Value addition, the company also processes seeds for export. On sustainable agriculture Otis looks at water efficiency seeds and early maturity seeds. They work mainly with extension workers. In addition, the company distributes Super grain bags, silos and containers on the Feed the future project with WFP. Otis supplied the sesame seeds to PLAN international MSMEs in Lira.

SWITCH Africa Green has worked with Otis Seeds to conduct Rapid Energy audits, Energy management and conservation training and detailed energy audits. This has led to improved planning and good governance in resource management. The company is now interested in installing a solar boiler.