17 Mar 2014 News

MED POL Focal Points meet over the update of the NAP of Land-Based Sources of pollution

The Focal Points of the MED POL Programme for the Assessment and Control of Pollution in the Mediterranean Region will meet in Athens (Greece) from 26 to 28 March 2014 in the presence of representatives of 22 Contracting Parties, as well as partners.

The meeting aims to initiate work on the process of updating the National Action Plans (NAPs) to address land-based pollution, and on the third 5-year cycle of reporting on National Baseline Budgets of Pollutant Emissions and Releases (NBBs).

It will include a training session on the NBB update, to ensure harmonization and use of common NBB methodologies and tools.

The two last days of the meeting will be dedicated to the review of the general findings and results of the evaluation of the NAP/SAP implementation carried out in 2013 as well as of the draft guidelines on the NAP update prepared by the Secretariat.

The meeting is also expected to review a first draft analysis of reporting requirements for the seven regional plans adopted in the framework of Article 15 of the LBS Protocol of the Barcelona Convention.

Finally, it will review the final draft guidelines and best practices for mercury decontamination sites and recommend them as appropriate for testing purposes by the concerned countries before they are formally submitted to the next MED POL Focal Points meeting in 2015.