[MTS 053] Epidemiological studies related to environmental quality criteria for bathing waters, shellfish-growing waters and edible marine organisms (Activity D). Final report on epidemiological study on bathers from selected beaches in Malaga, Spain (19…
[MTS 046] Epidemiological studies related to environmental quality criteria for bathing waters, shellfish-growing waters and edible marine organisms (Activity D): final report on project on relationship between microbial quality of coastal seawater and r…
[MTS 054] Development and testing of sampling and analytical techniques for monitoring of marine pollutants (Activity A), Final reports on selected microbiological projects
[MTS 056] Assessment of the state of pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by persistent synthetic materials which may float, sink or remain in suspension
[MTS 059] Proceedings of the FAO/UNEP/IAEA Consultation Meeting on the Accumulation and Transformation of Chemical contaminants by Biotic and Abiotic Processes in the Marine Environment (La Spezia, Italy, 24-28 September 1990)
[MTS 061] Integrated Planning and Management of the Mediterranean Coastal Zones. Documents produced in the first and second stage of the Priority Action (1985-1986)
[MTS 060] Development and testing of sampling and analytical techniques for monitoring of marine pollutants (Activity A): Final reports on selected microbiological projects (1987-1990)
[MTS 057] Research on the toxicity, persistence, bioaccumulation, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity of selected substances (Activity G): Final reports on projects dealing with carcinogenicity and mutagenicity