The COVID-19 crisis provides an opportunity to re-assess our traditional ways of work and the future of environmental governance. Areas to be addressed under this assessment include every-day office operations, activities implementation, budget implications and resource mobilisation, partnerships, and communication.
The pandemic has shown that technology and modern tools can help us shift our traditional ways of work while maintaining the same level of efficiency and reducing the environmental footprint of our operations. These methods, including mainly telecommuting, zero-printing, and holding meetings through virtual means should be further promoted and maintained to the extent possible even after the end of the crisis, in line with UNEP-led process of modernizing global environmental governance towards a unified and collective response to international crises, including pandemics, while supporting the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
As we respond to the COVID-19 emergency, UNEP/MAP will stay the course on priorities and key processes. We will continue pursuing MAP objectives, which all remain valid and up to date. Modifications in means of implementation or activities may need to be introduced but the general framework is to be maintained.
The implementation of activities in the field, including environmental monitoring, pilot implementation, trainings and national capacity building activities, is expected to be impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, due to limitations imposed in travel, and movement restrictions in most Mediterranean countries. It is therefore crucial to identify alternative ways of working with the countries in order to ensure that PoW activities as adopted by the COP will continue and expected outputs will be delivered, including the possibility of boosting capacity development in the Contracting Parties’ national institutions.
The current situation can be an opportunity to promote the use of the UNEP/MAP e-learning platform through an integrated and collaborative approach among the different MAP Components in order to deliver high-level quality learning and training thematic material to ensure appropriate support to the Contracting Parties.
The role of the Barcelona Convention Compliance Committee is even more important in the post COVID-19 governance period, in view of ensuring that the legal and policy framework of MAP Barcelona Convention continues to be effectively implemented and enforced by the Contracting Parties.
The COVID-19 crisis may also have budgetary implications, especially in the medium term, which should be further evaluated. Budget savings from limited operations and virtually held meetings during the crisis may be redirected to support activities for the implementation of the UNEP/MAP strategic response to COVID-19 in particular at country level. At the same time, it is important to continue working closely with the Contracting Parties in view of maintaining high level of ambition and national commitment in the implementation of the UNEP/MAP programmatic framework. The COVID-19 crisis highlights the importance of MEAs in timely tackling threatening degradations which can give place to health crisis, generated by ecosystems impoverishment and the associated risks of pathogenic diseases spread; the important contribution of well-functioning MEAs to the One Health approach should be promoted. In addition, UNEP/MAP efficiency in mobilising external resource through Programmes and Projects should be maintained, while the redirection of some activities, as indicated above, including work on medical waste, new/emerging contaminants and hazardous waste, policy responses for green recovery, assessment of pathways of diseases and pathogens, quality of bathing waters etc. may provide new opportunities for resource mobilisation.
UNEP/MAP will step up communication and advocacy for building back better in the region. A UNEP/MAP narrative paper will be developed for dissemination addressing the priorities identified in the present document and taking into account the need to raise awareness on the linkages between environmental issues and public health with a specific focus on Mediterranean context. Some elements brought up by the pandemic illustrate the relevance of the UNEP/MAP mandate and can therefore provide opportunities for institutional visibility. One important objective of outreach campaigns to be developed jointly with INFO/RAC would be to mobilize the attention of and engage stakeholders in seizing the historic opportunity for a green renaissance in the Mediterranean.