Towards Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Region: Protecting the Mediterranean from Maritime Accidents and Illegal Discharges from Ships (REMPEC) (Brochure)
[MTS 137 Vol. 2] Free trade and the environment in the Euro-Mediterranean context, Montpellier/ Mèze, France, 5-8 October 2000: Volume II: Regional and International Studies
[MTS 137 Vol. 4] Free trade and the environment in the Euro-Mediterranean context, Montpellier/ Mèze, France, 5-8 October 2000: Volume IV: Environmental Aspects of Association Agreements
[MTS 137 Vol. 1] Free trade and the environment in the Euro-Mediterranean context, Montpellier/Mèze, France, 5-8 October 2000: Volume I: Technical Report of the Workshop
[MTS 137 Vol. 3] Free trade and the environment in the Euro-Mediterranean context, Montpellier/ Mèze, France, 5-8 October 2000: Volume III: National Studies
Towards Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Region: Protecting the Mediterranean against maritime accidents and legal accidents and illegal discharges from ships (Brochure)