09 Sep 2024 News

Mediterranean Coast Day 2024

Mediterranean Coast Day (25 September) is an annual observance introduced by the Mediterranean Action Plan of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP/MAP). PAP/RAC, the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre dedicated to the protection and sustainable management of the coastal zones, established Mediterranean Coast Day within the framework of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Protocol to the Barcelona Convention.

Mediterranean Coast Day 2024 is dedicated to recognizing the invaluable contributions of women to sustainable coastal management. The event will showcase the achievements and perspectives of women leaders across the Mediterranean region, with the aim of fostering new approaches, collaborative initiatives, and a renewed commitment to environmental stewardship.

The main celebration in Annaba jointly organised by PAP/RAC and the Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy of Algeria, will feature panel discussions on women's perspectives in coastal management, along with presentations of local success stories and community engagement strategies.

The Mediterranean Sea, a cradle of civilization and a treasure trove of biodiversity, is facing unprecedented environmental challenges. Climate change, pollution, and habitat loss threaten the delicate balance of this unique ecosystem. To protect our sea, the commitment of everyone, men and women alike, is crucial.

A Shared Heritage

Coastal communities, historically tied to the sea, are the first to experience the effects of the environmental crisis. Fishermen, farmers, tourism operators: everyone has a role to play in the sustainable management of resources.

In particular, women, often keepers of traditional knowledge and promoters of sustainable practices, represent a valuable resource for the protection of the Mediterranean. Their involvement in decision-making processes and resource management is essential to ensure a prosperous future for our coasts.

Everyone has a role to play

  • Governments and national authorities: by implementing the ICZM Protocol, a comprehensive instrument that can serve to beef up coastal resilience. The technical toolkit developed under the ICZM Protocol, including Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), can address a range of environmental challenges that exacerbate the impacts of climate change: unsustainable urbanization and tourism, overfishing and pollution in its multiple forms. Investing in women's leadership and promoting gender-responsive budgeting are also crucial steps.
  • Coastal cities, local authorities and municipalities: by engaging with citizens in inclusive planning exercises. They can use planning tools recommended by PAP/RAC to preserve natural coastal areas and address climate change at the local level. This is crucial because adaptation matters most at the local level, where vulnerable communities are exposed to disruptive shocks that can upend their livelihoods, health and wellbeing.
  • Citizens: by taking action to demand or promote coast-friendly policies and business responses. Purchasing choices at the supermarket, engagement with local authorities at the town hall and investment decisions can help entrench sustainability and reduce vulnerability in the coastal context.

Join us in marking Mediterranean Coast Day

The slogan of Mediterranean Coast Day 2024 is “Inspiring coastal communities to take action for the sustainable development of the Mediterranean”.

Mediterranean Coast Day has become an annual regional festival dedicated to the sustainability and health of the coastal zones. On 25 September and during the week that ensues, several events and activities are organized by MAP Partners and Civil Society Organizations working in the region.

We invite you to participate in the Mediterranean Coast Day celebration through the following avenues:

  • Visit the Mediterranean Coast Day website for a wealth of resources, communication materials, and information on events across the Mediterranean.
  • Become an advocate for the Mediterranean coasts: consider organizing your own awareness-raising event to promote the importance of a healthy and resilient coast. Please inform PAP/RAC of your plans so they can support your efforts.
  • Participate in the digital campaign: join the online conversation and help us raise awareness by sharing information and using the hashtag #MedCoastDay on your preferred social media platforms
  • Join the Celebration!

Mediterranean Coast Day 2024 is your chance to get involved. Visit our website to find out how you can participate in events, share your stories, and support the women who are making a difference.