Towards an ecologically representative and efficiently managed network of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MedMPA Network project)
The MedMPA Network project was funded by the European Union in the framework of the GreenMed II: ENI South regional environment and water programme, with a total budget of 2,999,959 €.
The MedMPA Network project was executed under the overall coordination of UNEP/MAP. Its regional and national activities were executed by the Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC), WWF Mediterranean, and the Network of Marine Protected Area managers in the Mediterranean (MedPAN).
Five Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention covered by the project as beneficiary countries: Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia.
The project supported the implementation of the Barcelona Convention’s Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean (SPA/BD Protocol) with the overarching goal of contributing to meeting the Aichi Targets (AT) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), in particular AT 11, which requires that by 2020 “at least 10% of coastal and marine areas, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, are conserved through effectively and equitably managed, ecologically representative and well-connected systems of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, and integrated into the wider landscape and seascape”.
The main objective of the project was to contribute to achieving a connected, ecologically representative, effectively managed and monitored network of Mediterranean MPAs, ensuring the long-term conservation of key elements of the marine biodiversity and providing significant support to the sustainable development of the region.
The project activities focused on three main issues related to MPAs:
- enhancement of the regional coordination and networking;
- creation of new MPAs;
- improvement of MPAs management.
- establishment of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts focused on Mediterranean MPA issues aiming at providing advice on how to strengthen the Mediterranean network of MPAs based on a regular assessment of their status and efficiency.
- organization of the 2016 edition of the Forum of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean which resulted in the Tangier Declaration and a revised Mediterranean MPA roadmap.
- updating the MAPAMED GIS database that gathers information on Mediterranean MPAs, and sites of interest to the conservation of the marine environment.
- publishing the report titled: The 2016 Status of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean Sea.
- potential new MPAs Ecological Characterization surveys in Lebanon for Batroun, Medfoun and Byblos, to collect data and improve ecological knowledge on marine and coastal biodiversity. The report of the surveys provided the Lebanese Ministry of Environment with the necessary justification to initiate the process of declaring new MPAs in these areas.
- Management Planning for the Salloum MPA in Egypt, the Jbel Moussa future MPA in Morocco, and the NE Kerkennah future MPA in Tunisia. This activity applied a thorough participatory approach in the elaboration of the management plan, including all stakeholders at national and local levels, in support of the governance of the MPAs.
- Improved MPA and fisheries management through stakeholder engagement. Through this activity a number of capacity building workshop were hosted on Ecotourism and visitor center management, Pescatourism and ensuring participatory processes.
Learn more
- Publications
- Video: Marine biodiversity
- Video: "Youth for Biodiversity Conservation Camp" organized by SPA/RAC and Youth for Science Foundation in Kerkennah (Tunisia)
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