The overall objective of this EU-funded project was to support UNEP-MAP/Barcelona Convention and its Contracting Parties to prevent and manage Marine Litter through the implementation of the Marine Litter Regional Plan adopted by COP 18 of the Barcelona Convention, (Istanbul, 2013), in synergy with the relevant work under UNEP/GPA Global Partnership for Marine Litter, the implementation of the European Union (EU) Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), the UfM H2020 initiative for a cleaner Mediterranean, the EU SwitchMed Programme and in coordination with the other European Regional Seas.
With the ultimate objective of achieving the Good Ecological Status (GES) of the Mediterranean Sea, the “Marine Litter-MED” project specifically supported the Contracting Parties from Southern Mediterranean/EU Neighborhood to implement the Marine Litter Regional Plan through the implementation of a number of measures envisaged in the updated NAPs endorsed by COP 19 of the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols, ensuring complementarities with UNEP/MAP MTS 2016-2021, UfM H2020 Initiative, EU MSFD Common Implementation Strategy and ML and ecosystem approach related regional and national ongoing projects contributing to achieve the Marine litter reduction targets adopted by COP 19, February 2016.
The project also promoted enhanced regional governance on marine litter management among all stakeholders. For that purpose, a Regional Cooperation Platform was established, as a tool to provide coordinated support and guidance for the implementation of the Regional Plan on Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean.
The project also provided direct support to the Black Sea Commission in their efforts to finalize a Marine Litter Regional Plan and a Marine Litter Monitoring Programme.
The project covered the period of seven semesters from 2016-2020, with a budget of 1,400,000 EUR, benefitting co-financing from the Mediterranean Trust Fund.
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