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Mohamad Safa - Lebanese, West Asia

2018 Winner | | Lebanese

The waste crisis is a serious threat to environmental, animal and human life around the world. Therefore, I have been working for five years on waste sorting from the source and implemented many campaigns to clean the seas and nature. The process of sorting waste from the source is the responsibility of the individual in the community. It is a sound start to solve the problem of waste accumulation in the environment and depends mainly on the consciousness of the emerging generations, especially schoolchildren. I propose integrated waste management as a means to delivering the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable developments. Waste sorting is essential. Every country must embrace waste as a source of wealth. Remember “a healthy environment means healthy people”.

Since 2013, I have served as Executive Director at Patriotic Vision Organization (PVA). In 2016, PVA nominated me to become its Permanent Representative to the United Nations. I have written and implemented many humanitarian, development and environmental projects, and while I really enjoyed the work that I did, I’d love the chance to dig in much deeper with Young Champions, which is why I’m so excited about this opportunity with UN environment. I'm strong in communications and connecting with people and have solid background and proven success working with societies.

إخلاء مسؤولية: ملحوظة: تمت مشاركة هذا المحتوى عبر الإنترنت لدورة برنامج أبطال الأرض الشباب لعام 2019 ولم يتم تحديثه. لا يدل هذا الإدراج ضمنا على دعم برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة أو تأييده له..

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