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Ritu Malhotra - Indian, Asia and the Pacific

2019 Ganador(a) | Innovator | Indian

Our enterprise addresses growing concerns around the sanitation issues of spitting in public and liquid waste. Our innovative solution curbs the menace of paan or tobacco spitting and the rising deaths due to communicable diseases like Tuberculosis (TB) and Swine Flu. Similarly, organic liquid waste is mostly disposed of in sewage or dumped in open areas, causing air, land and water pollution. We provide the world's first spit pack for TB, Swine flu patients and Paan Consumers and organic liquid disposal bin. It solidifies spit, liquid or vomit and converts it into hybrid fertiliser in 10 seconds, made up of food grade and Environmental Protection Agency verified biodegradable material. The world's first spit pack comes in three sizes: a pocket pack for individuals; the mobile pack for cars, buses etc. and a commercial pack for public places which can take in 2500-2800 spits. We have already gauged demand in hospitals, hotels, corporates, public institutions and individuals. We are converting waste to value. We are providing these organic hybrid fertilisers to farmers for agricultural use at a cost of 4Rs/kg helping increase seed sprouting and seeding development.

I am Co- founder of Eventuate Innovations Pvt Ltd and a Forbes 30 Under 30 honouree. I was awarded Women Startup of the Year 2018, by Confederation of Indian Industry & awarded as Women in Entrepreneurial Research 2019 by the Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council.

I am a technology enthusiast who strongly believes that the solutions to the biggest problems society faces, can be found in the implimentation of simple technologies. 

Descargo de responsabilidad: NOTA: Este contenido fue compartido en línea para el ciclo 2019 del programa Jóvenes Campeones de la Tierra y no ha sido actualizado. Este listado no constituye una aprobación ni vinculación alguna por parte del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente..

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