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Nareman Zahdeh - Palestinian, West Asia

2017 Ganador(a) | | Palestinian

Palestine, and the Arab World in general, faces problems with pollution resulting from improper disposal of industrial wastewater. As an environmental engineer, Nareman has worked for two consecutive years researching industrial wastewater. She designed a device that works on the principle of physical adsorption to eliminate pollutants from industrial wastewater rendering the water reusable in the same industry. Tanneries are currently using this method to remove carcinogenic chrome from water with a 99% efficiency rate. The SwitchMed Programme provided support to construct the initial model, but Nareman has higher aspirations to make this device available to all tanneries in Palestine and to expand its use to include the galvanization and dairy industries as well as the production of vehicle lubricants. These industries all use large quantities of water and dump zinc, organic substances, cleaning agents, oils and lubricants into the environment. This solution is part of a national sustainability plan to find ways of supporting industry, protecting the environment, and mitigating water shortages.

I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in environmental engineering and a Diploma in occupational safety. I work as an assistant researcher and teacher in the environmental engineering section of the wastewater labs. I worked for two years on studies relating to wastewater from local industries, as well as on clean production projects. I am an active member of the Palestinian Standards Institution that is involved with environmental matters. I have recently published four scientific papers and have written a number of educational articles about the environment in local newspapers. I volunteered under the Union of Agricultural Work Committees for land reclamation and water harvesting projects in the Palestinian Hydrology Group, and in Hebron municipality for drinking water labs. I want to establish an investment company for environmental services that would be the first of its kind in Palestine. I am currently setting up the core elements of an environmentally friendly business.

Descargo de responsabilidad: NOTA: Este contenido fue compartido en línea para el ciclo 2019 del programa Jóvenes Campeones de la Tierra y no ha sido actualizado. Este listado no constituye una aprobación ni vinculación alguna por parte del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente..

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