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Prathima Muniyappa - Indian, Asia and the Pacific

2018 Winner | | Indian

The project ‘Anantara’ addresses the dual challenges of forest degradation and limited economic opportunities in the Western Ghats in India by helping indigenous forest communities create luxury designer furniture from a rapidly invasive plant (Lantana Camara). Anantara is a collective of award winning designers who work closely with the indigenous communities. We provide the training, marketing and partnerships that ultimately leads to livelihood creation and the restoration of the degraded forest areas. By leveraging the power of design to transform a threatening plant species into luxury furniture, it incentivizes the forest communities to harvest lantana and check its rapid spread. Our solution addresses the issue of endemic poverty by increasing the income of forest communities. We convert collector-only economies into craftsmen communities whose culturally rich, value-added activities positively reinforce forest ecosystems.

I am an Elements fellow at the MIT Media Labs, working on enabling indigenous self-determination to advance issues of social justice using space technology. I hold a Masters in Design Studies in Critical Conservation at the Graduate School of Design under a Fulbright Scholarship. My work investigates traditional indigenous knowledge, practices and folkways and uses the transformative power of design to empower marginalized indigenous communities.

Avertissement: NOTE: Ce contenu a été mis en ligne pour le cycle 2019 du programme Jeunes champions de la Terre et n'a pas été mis à jour. Cette liste ne constitue ni une approbation ni un statut auprès du Programme des Nations unies pour l'environnement.