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Hugh Weldon - Irish, Europe

2018 获奖人 | | Irish

Evocco’s smartphone app helps the consumer to align their purchasing behavior with their ethics. Users take a photo of their food shopping receipt to receive instant information on the environmental impact of their purchases. The app then allows them to track their impact over time, and offers personalized advice on how to reduce their impact the next time they shop. Evocco also collaborates with several universities to explore the psychological motivations behind lasting behavioral change.

Five years after founding Evocco Hugh took a role as a sustainability manager in the private sector before joining the crew of the Sea Shepherd M/Y Age of Union in Cape Verde. The ship spends it's time patrolling for illegal fishing in West Africa in cooperation with local governments. The campaigns have arrested over 80 illegal fishing vessels, protecting important marine ecosystems. Hugh now splits his time between Sea Shepherd and his role as Energy, Environment and Sustainability Lead with Whitewater Group, working on  technologies and nature based solutions for recycling industrial waste water.

免责声明: 注:此处内容已在线分享,用于2019年“地球卫士青年奖”项目,此后未经更新。此列表不构成联合国环境规划署的任何背书,不代表在环境署拥有任何地位。.

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