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Alex Paullin - American, North America

2019 获奖人 | Musician and conservationist | American

We are building a global network of musicians and youth volunteers to deliver environmental education through the catalytic power of music. The neuroscience is clear: music activates more regions of the brain than even language does. This power can and must be used for the good of the earth and its people, especially in times of great division like those we are experiencing. We foster a global community in which the memorable, emotional, and unifying power of music contributes to the balance between humankind, nature, and society. We produce media, develop classroom resources, and lead live events and workshops. Our content reaches millions over radio, TV, online and also face-to-face, in nationally relevant genres and languages. Our music is composed to deliver a message while holding attention and inspiring an emotional response, without only preaching to the choir. To sustain this global movement at the national level, we identify talented youth leaders and empower them with structures, resources, and strategies to lead eco-musical revolutions. They maintain relationships with artists and broadcasters, offer solar-powered video screenings and activations like tree planting and waste clean-ups, produce local songs and videos.

I am a musical conservationist. After over a decade of individual pursuits in music, the environment, and leadership, my Conservation Music journey began in 2015 with a climbing expedition in the mountains of Lesotho, followed immediately by a 4-month river expedition from Angola to Botswana. Since then, via motorbike or vehicle, alone or with a team, and armed with a guitar, a mobile studio, and a small case of cameras, I have laid the foundation for a global musical movement to engage people in the fight for the earth and the people who depend on it.

免责声明: 注:此处内容已在线分享,用于2019年“地球卫士青年奖”项目,此后未经更新。此列表不构成联合国环境规划署的任何背书,不代表在环境署拥有任何地位。.
