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Celine Jennison - American, North America

2018 获奖人 | | American

Atmospheric CO2 must decrease to 350ppm. Some Governments and Businesses are tackling climate change but not fast enough, leaving it to non-profits, often small underfunded groups fighting David vs. Goliath battles that I’ve experienced through Plastic Tides. Businesses drive our economy and society, and must work collaboratively doing ‘more good’, not just ‘less bad’. Regenerative perennial agriculture, Tropical forests, educating girls, plant rich diets and renewables are the best approaches to reversing climate change. We must integrate these into the food we eat, the materials we use, and the products we put on our bodies. The body care industry is 135-Billion-dollars. ANATO educates about regenerative agriculture and ocean conservation via consumer products that are healthy and affordable. Our body care’s ingredients— tree-crops— sequester carbon and provide ecosystem services. Rooted in multifunctionality and minimalism, we offer tools for the Zero Waste Voyage making sustainability, practical. Our enterprise is regenerative by design.

Cured from an immune deficiency through herbalism when I was ten, I became mesmerized by the power of plants early on. Determined to uncover how to feed the world sustainably, alongside my studies at Cornell and Oxford Universities, I volunteered on countless permaculture farms to learn hands-on about systems thinking. I developed a passion for agroforestry—its ability to provide food and other ecosystem services. Digging deeper into food issues, I soon became aware of waste issues, leading me to co-founding the non-profit Plastic Tides.

免责声明: 注:此处内容已在线分享,用于2019年“地球卫士青年奖”项目,此后未经更新。此列表不构成联合国环境规划署的任何背书,不代表在环境署拥有任何地位。.
