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Alejandra Isabel Rivera Santos - Salvadoran, Latin America and the Caribbean

2020 获奖人 | Environmental activist | Salvadoran

Sumando Impactos por Los Cobanos is a project which targets a natural protected area with the only coral reef in El Salvador. It centers on community cohesion and a shared vision to achieve sustainable development. The project is based on the integrated management of solid waste and on the conservation of natural resources in the short, medium and long term, with a holistic approach to human development, strengthening of social skills, upskilling for ecotourism and environmental management. The aim is to promote the sustainable management of natural resources in this sensitive area to both promote sustainable economic growth and prosperity for its inhabitants while preserving its unique ecosystem. Over the last 18 months we worked with the local community to build a unique local brand identity along with a communication strategy to support environmental behaviour change. We installed a waste segregation system and improved ecotourism potential through ecosystem conservation. This has only been made possible by the integration of a permanent, multidisciplinary and engaged team, working on the continued alliance with local government, the private sector, central government and civil society.

I am the president of Asociación Sumando Impactos El Salvador, country leader for Let´s do it El Salvador and the coordinator for Latin América & Caribbean for Let’s do it World. I started my environmental commitment studying letters, communication science and cinema. I participated in social education projects where I identified the necessity to protect natural resources to guarantee human survival on this planet. I have experience in marketing and project management with studies in governance of land affairs, climate change, mitigation and adaptation.

免责声明: 注:此处内容已在线分享,用于2019年“地球卫士青年奖”项目,此后未经更新。此列表不构成联合国环境规划署的任何背书,不代表在环境署拥有任何地位。.

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