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Ghislain Irakoze - Rwandan, Africa

2020 获奖人 | Social entrepreneur | Rwandan

With a vision of creating a waste-free world, Wastezon provides households and recycling actors with cutting edge technologies for efficient waste collection, sorting, and traceability. Our technology assists the recycling actors to outsource their raw materials while on the other hand helping households get rid of their e-waste by selling it. To date, Wastezon has registered, via its mobile application: 150 e-scrappers, 162 households, and collected over 416 tons of electronic waste (e-waste) - which is equivalent to 2826.42 metric tons of avoided carbon dioxide emissions. Our next step is introducing a win-win solution, “Wastezon Smart Bin,” that responds to both households’ waste collection needs and the growing demand for fertilizers or compost. Our Wastezon Smart Bin offers automated sorting, tracks waste decomposition, sterilizes the waste odor, and provides real-time information to enable effective waste material circularity.

Ghislain is the Founder and CEO of Wastezon, a Rwandan cleantech startup that provides end-consumers and recyclers with a waste management app and high-tech Smart Waste Bins. Prior to founding Wastezon, He successfully organized the “ Recycle for Environment” Campaign which involved over 200 Rwandan students in creative waste recycling in partnership with Tunza-Eco-generation Samsung-Engineering Initiative. He is a Country Representative of African Circular Economy Network in Rwanda and a Youth Think Tank Researcher at the Mastercard Foundation. He is currently completing a BA in International Business and Trade at the African Leadership University.

免责声明: 注:此处内容已在线分享,用于2019年“地球卫士青年奖”项目,此后未经更新。此列表不构成联合国环境规划署的任何背书,不代表在环境署拥有任何地位。.

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