Enabling sustainable, resilient and inclusive blue economies

In Ocean, seas and coasts

A healthy ocean is key for a sustainable future both for people and the planet. Harnessing the resources of our oceans and coasts can go a long way in meeting this demand, and it is imperative that we do this in a sustainable manner. Already, overfishing, pollution, coastal development and climate change have caused an estimated 50 per cent coral reef decline in the past 30 years, jeopardising livelihoods and the capacity for disaster risk reduction and endangering marine biodiversity.

UNEP’s ‘Sustainable Blue Economy Initiative’ aims to facilitate sustainable ocean-based economic, social and environmental benefits within the planetary boundaries of oceans and coasts. Engaging with countries, Regional Seas and many partners, it seeks to enhance decision-making, enabling conditions and capacities to develop and implement sustainable, climate-resilient and inclusive blue economy polices, strategies and solutions that reduce human impacts and support the sound use of marine and coastal ecosystems and their many services.

A Sustainable Blue Economy Decision Support & Enabling Framework and learning platform is under development to help guide:

  1. Mapping, assessment and valuation of marine and coastal ecosystems and their services
  2. Circular and resource-efficient economic policy pathways and pollution reduction strategies
  3. Governance and management for optimal use of ocean space and resources
  4. Sustainable Blue Economy financing principles
  5. Capacity building and translation of know-how into action

UNEP’s work on blue economy involves people and initiatives across the organization, including the UNEP Finance Initiative. You can read more about their work here.

In Ocean, seas and coasts

About Go Blue:

Go Blue is a partnership between the EU and the Government of Kenya to advance the Blue Economy Agenda through Coastal Development. The Go Blue initiative was launched in Kenya in March 2021 and aims to protect Kenya's coastal ecosystems while creating environmentally friendly jobs in a host of industries, including recycling, tourism and small-scale fishing over the next four years.

Contact Us:

Ole Vestergaard

Ecosystems Division

Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Branch

UN Environment Programme

United Nations Avenue, Gigiri

P. O. Box 30552, 00100

Nairobi, Kenya

Email: ole.vestergaard@un.org