新闻 Climate Action

Spotlight on climate action

The climate emergency is a direct consequence of carbon-heavy land-use and agriculture, transport, buildings and industrial processes and polluting energy sources. Without profound changes to these sectors and a drastic cut to carbon footprints, there is little hope of protecting the planet from the devastating effects of a warmer world.

Below are climate-related news and events from the United Nations and partners.

28 Jun 2024 12:10

Tanzania’s smoke-spewing three-wheelers face new electric competition

People standing between three-wheelers
Photo: TRÍ Tanzania

In Tanzania, UNEP is working to spearhead the shift to electric vehicles through its Global Electric Mobility Programme. Along with countering climate change, the transition could create new economic opportunities, found a recent UNEP-led report

Tanzania has about 1.2 million motorcycles and three-wheelers with internal combustion engines. At least 10 companies have entered the country’s electric mobility market, hoping to capitalize on an untapped opportunity. For example, leading ride-hailing platform Bolt, asset financer Watu and TRÍ have just launched a pilot programme, deploying 25 electric bajaj taxis.

“Transitioning from vehicles with internal combustion engines to those powered by electricity is not just a trend. It is a necessary shift to achieve net-zero emissions targets,” says Rob De Jong, Head of the Sustainable Mobility Unit with UNEP.

Read the full story.

27 Jun 2024 17:35

Just in: Azerbaijan to host World Environment Day 2026 with a focus on climate change


24 Jun 2024 16:42

UN launches Global Principles for Information Integrity

Image with text and graphics on it.
Image: United Nations

Technological advances have revolutionized communications, connecting people on a previously unthinkable scale. They have supported communities in times of crisis, elevated marginalized voices and helped mobilize global movements for racial justice and gender equality.

Yet these same advances have enabled the spread of misinformation, disinformation and hate speech at an unprecedented volume, velocity and virality, risking the integrity of the information ecosystem.

New and escalating risks stemming from leaps in AI technologies have made strengthening information integrity one of the urgent tasks of our time.

This clear and present global threat demands coordinated international action.

The United Nations Global Principles for Information Integrity (PDF) show us another future is possible.

Read more. 

21 Jun 2024 16:27

Greening our urban tapestry

People standing up inside a building
Photo: ICLEI

Cities and regions are in the frontlines of the escalating global triple planetary crisis.

At the ICLEI World Congress, in her keynote speech, Gulnara Roll, Head of the Cities Unit, at the Climate Change Division in UNEP highlighted the connection between cities and the triple planetary crisis and how urban nature offers cost-effective solutions to reduce climate impacts and improve urban life. She outlined how UNEP through Generation Restoration is providing cities with access to information, technical assistance, peer to peer exchange, capacity building, direct financing, and exemplary case studies.

UNEP with ICLEI and other partners are collaborating to enhance multilevel action and explore innovative financing mechanisms for nature-based solutions.

Read more.

21 Jun 2024 14:02

Registration for My Sustainable Living Challenge closes soon!

A mockup of a laptop with images and text
Image: UNSSC

Assemble a team of 7 to 10 sustainability enthusiasts and register for the "My Sustainable Living Challenge" before 5 July 2024.

The challenge is a 6-week online gamified learning platform that channels learning towards behaviour change through actionable commitments.

Register here.

20 Jun 2024 16:39

Solidarity with refugees through climate action


20 Jun 2024 15:32

Join the UNEP CCC webinar this World Refugee Day

People walking carrying sticks on their heads

On World Refugee Day, UNEP CCC are hosting a webinar on market creation strategies for solar e-cooking technologies in off-grid and displaced communities that ties in with the day’s theme and UNEP’s focus on climate and refugees.

Register now and read this recently launched report. 

20 Jun 2024 11:52

See how refugees are working to solve the the climate crisis


20 Jun 2024 11:43

See what the world thinks about the climate crisis

Image with text on it
Image: UNDP

The Peoples’ Climate Vote 2024 is the world’s largest standalone public opinion survey on climate change launched by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It serves as a platform for people to express their concerns and needs on climate change to world leaders.

See the survey results, including at the country level.


19 Jun 2024 11:14

Seeking Synergy Solutions: Four Thematic Reports

SGDs puzzle piece being placed in a puzzle
Photo: UN

Four reports were launched on 11 June by experts convened by the UN, showing how action to tackle climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals can be accelerated by addressing both crises together, notably in the key areas of policy frameworks; financial systems; knowledge and data; and cities.

Under the umbrella title Seeking Synergy Solutions, the four thematic reports, spearheaded by the Expert Group on Climate and SDG Synergy, were launched at a special event at the climate meetings in Bonn, Germany, laying the groundwork for the 2024 global synthesis report on climate and SDG synergy, to be released in July. The Expert Group is co-convened by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and UN Climate Change (UNFCCC), which co-hosted the launch, joined by the secretariats of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).

Read the Knowledge and Data report.

Read the Policy report.

Read the Finance report.

Read the Cities report.