برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة

What we do

In Environmental rights and governance

Good Governance for a Sustainable Future

Everyone can live in safe and healthy societies when we responsibly manage our environment. Policies and laws are there to help us to do that, and where they are not, it is up to our law makers and policy makers to create or change them. UN Environment works with countries and organizations to strengthen institutions to combat environmental crime and to improve cooperation between law makers the world over who are working on our behalf to safeguard the environment. But governments can’t do this work alone. They need the guidance and tools that are provided through internationally agreed environmental goals.

Our Services

Laws designed to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources - when properly enforced - prevent unlawful pollution, illegal trade in wildlife, the unlawful movement and disposal of illegal chemicals and hazardous waste, and all manner of environmental degradation.

That is why UN Environment works with governments and organizations to promote stronger laws and institutions to combat environmental crime, to promote access to justice, and to improve cooperation between law makers the world over working on our behalf to safeguard the environment. 

Improving efficiency and effectiveness

  • We strengthen the implementation, negotiation and reporting capacities of national focal points for biodiversity, chemicals and wastes, and climate conventions
  • We provide support to countries for the coherent planning and implementation of the biodiversity, chemicals and waste, and climate conventions

Strengthening institutions

  • We provide expert guidance on the development of environmental legislation (wildlife, extractives, climate, environmental crime etc.)
  • We strengthen and streamline institutional arrangements  and capacities for tackling environmental issues
  • We strengthen capacities for enforcement of environmental law
  • We strengthen transboundary cooperation, national capacities, awareness raising and communication

Helping countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

  • We enable institutions to better address the environmental dimension of  the Sustainable Development Goals
  • We support the development of national policies that promote poverty eradication and environmental sustainability
  • We provide technical support to promote public and private investments that support poverty eradication and environmental sustainability

In Environmental rights and governance