The Eighth Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region will be held in Panama on 5 -7 December, 2018. This meeting proposes to review the achievements of the SPAW sub-programme during 2017- 2018 and to develop the workplan of SPAW for the 2019-2020 biennium.
Additionally there will be 2 workshops on development of the “State of the Marine Ecosystems and shared Living Marine Resource in the CLME+” report (3 - 4 December), and a special session on achievements under the SPAW Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) project (5 December 2018).
The objectives of the meeting are:-
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Please find link below containing room reservation form for Crowne Plaza Panama to be completed for booking of rooms at the hotel. The deadline for submission of completed forms is Thursday, 15th, November 2018 in order to benefit from the agreed room rate of 75USD per night (single occupancy) or 85USD (double occupancy) . Completed forms should be sent to CC