15 Jan 2019 Éditorial Ecosystems

Cartagena Convention Contracting Parties to meet in Roatan, Honduras in June

Key decisions related to work of the Secretariat to the Cartagena Convention for the 2019-2020 biennium are expected to be formulated in Roatan, Honduras when delegates meet from June 3-7, 2019. The Honduran Government will host the 15th Meeting of Contracting Parties to the Cartagena Convention, the 10th Meeting of Contracting Parties to the Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) Protocol and the 4th Meeting of Contracting Parties to the Land-Based Sources of Marine Pollution (LBS) Protocol.

These meetings serve as the central decision-making fora for Contracting Parties to the Convention and its Protocols. Delegates will discuss, inter alia, the status of activities from the last biennium and follow-up on the decisions and recommendations made in previous meetings. They will also chart the way forward for the 2019-2020 biennium when they discuss and approve the corresponding work plan and budget.

cop15 logo
Official logo of the COP Meetings to take place in Roatán, Honduras in June 2019