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5 results found

Professor Katharine Hayhoe
Climate Scientist, Texas Tech University

For her stalwart commitment to quantifying the effects of climate change and her tireless efforts to transform attitudes, Canadian climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe was chosen as the Champion of the Earth for science and innovation.

One of the world’s most influential communicators on climate change, Hayhoe is an atmospheric scientist…

Ant Forest
Mini-programme and tree-planting initiative

For turning the green good deeds of half a billion people into green trees planted in some of China’s most arid regions, Ant Forest mini-programme has been awarded Champion of the Earth for inspiration and action.

Launched by Ant Financial Services Group, an Alibaba affiliate, Ant Forest promotes greener lifestyles…

A celebrated world leader in sustainability, Costa Rica has been chosen as Champion of the Earth for policy leadership because of its pioneering role in the protection of nature and its commitment to ambitious policies to combat climate change. 

Notably, the Central American nation has drafted a detailed plan to decarbonize its…

Fridays for Future Movement
Climate change student movement

Fridays for Future is a dynamic global student movement pushing for immediate action on climate change through active campaigning and advocacy. It was chosen as Champion of the Earth for inspiration and action because of its role in highlighting the devastating effects…

Outdoor clothing brand

Since Patagonia was founded in 1973 by renowned environmentalist and entrepreneur Yvon Chouinard, the US outdoor apparel brand has won plaudits for its sustainable supply chains and advocacy for the environment. The company recently updated its mission statement to reflect the urgency of the environmental crisis: “We’re in business to save our…