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当大卫·爱登堡爵士 (Sir David Attenborough) 还是个孩子的时候,他大部分的空闲时间,都手持锤子穿梭在英国乡村废弃的采石场中。他所追寻的猎物:菊石化石,以及可追溯至恐龙时代的螺旋形软体动物。
琼·卡林(Joan Carling)来自菲律宾, 20多年来,她坚持捍卫原住民的土地和环境权利。她也积极推动全球进程,加入了相关国际机制,包括联合国气候变化框架公约和REDD +组织。她曾两次担任亚洲土著人民同盟(AIPP)秘书长和科迪勒拉人民联盟主席。
Indian ecologist Madhav Gadgil learned from a young age the importance of respecting the rights of the least fortunate.
One of Gadgil’s most formative early memories was accompanying his father – an economist and statesman – on a visit to a hydroelectric project in India’s Maharashtra state. Deforestation was rampant in the surrounding…