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An attorney and member of California’s Indigenous Yurok Tribe, Amy Bowers Cordalis has spent decades striving to restore the natural flow of the Klamath River in the United States.
The SEKEM story begins in the Egyptian desert with a tent, a tractor and a piano.In 1977, the initiative’s founder, Ibrahim Abouleish, returned to Egypt after 20 years working abroad in chemistry and pharmacology.
Indian ecologist Madhav Gadgil learned from a young age the importance of respecting the rights of the least fortunate.
Gabriel Paun doesn’t know how he’s survived this long.The 47-year-old Romanian environmental defender has been assaulted, stalked, threatened and driven off the road. After years of cataloguing illegal logging in Romania’s national forests, he says he has a bounty on his head.
Born in the Amazon rainforest, Sonia Guajajara never expected she would one day make history as the first-ever Indigenous woman to become a minister in Brazil.But that is what happened in January 2023, when President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva appointed Guajajara as Minister of Indigenous Peoples. Guajajara, 50, is the first person to hold that role.
Quezon City Mayor Josefina “Joy” Belmonte’s commitment to environmental protection can be traced to the aftermath of the worst storm to hit the Philippines in decades.
It was only when José Manuel Moller began living on the outskirts of Santiago in a low-income neighbourhood that he experienced what is known as "poverty tax" – the extra costs people incur due to their economic circumstances.
On a sprawling campus in Pretoria, scientists, engineers and researchers are hard at work in South Africa’s biggest and best-resourced laboratory complex. Hunched over microscopes, peering into petri dishes and meticulously recording test results, they have a shared vision: to improve the quality of life for all South Africans, as sustainably as possible.
Ellen MacArthur was only 24 when she secured a place in the history books by becoming the youngest person to sail solo around the world in 2001. Four years later, she broke the record for the fastest solo circumnavigation of the globe, taking just over 71 days to complete the voyage.
在中国浙江省沿海,渔民们每天怀揣渔获满仓的期待,天不亮就出门拖网捕鱼,这一景象几代人未曾改变。如今,他们大多数人拖着装满塑料的渔网,如同拖着鱼一样满载而归返回岸上。 这一变化源自2019年,“蓝色循环”环保项目为浙江的渔民、沿岸社区群众提供酬劳,鼓励他们收集塑料袋、瓶子和废弃渔网等塑料垃圾。“蓝色循环”旨在运用先进的智能设备和区块链技术,清理和管理浙江省6600公里海岸线上的塑料污染,同时造福当地社区。自“蓝色循环”启动以来,已有10240艘船、6300多名渔民和当地群众参与,回收近2500吨塑料。浙江省生态环境厅(海洋处)陈渊处长表示:“我们希望‘蓝色循环’的海洋塑料废弃物治理模式能走出国门,走向世界,鼓励更多的人采取行动,遏制海洋塑料污染。”
塞西尔·比比安·恩杰贝特(Cécile Bibiane Ndjebet)在喀麦隆的一个偏远地区长大,对农村妇女经受的苦难深有体会。她看到母亲和其他人从早到晚地劳作,种植庄稼,喂养动物,抚育子女。由于传统社会文化习俗,许多女人在她们永远无法拥有的土地上艰苦地劳作。 “我当时意识到,女性非常辛苦,”恩杰贝特回忆道,“我想保护我的母亲,并为这些农村妇女争取权益,改善她们的生活。她们遭受着太多的苦难。” 这些早年的经历影响了恩杰贝特的一生。她将继续努力,成为非洲妇女土地权的主要代言人。三十年来,她一直倡导性别平等,同时也修复着数百公顷因为发展而遭到破坏的自然环境。其中包括600多公顷的退化土地和红树林,在她于2001年联合创立的“喀麦隆生态组织”的照看下,这600多公顷已经得到恢复。
2019 年,英国财政部与帕萨·达斯古普塔爵士(Partha Dasgupta)接洽,希望就生物多样性经济学开展一项研究(这应该是英国财政部第一次委托开展此类研究),这位著名的剑桥经济学家毫不犹豫地答应了下来。
arcenciel(黎巴嫩)荣获激励与行动奖。arcenciel是一家领先的环境企业,致力于创造更清洁、更健康的环境,为黎巴嫩的国家废弃物管理战略奠定了基础。如今,arcenciel每年回收黎巴嫩 80% 以上的具有潜在传染性的医疗垃圾。
塞西尔·比比安·恩杰贝特(Cécile Bibiane Ndjebet)(喀麦隆)荣获激励与行动奖。她孜孜不倦地倡导非洲妇女的土地所有权,这项权利对于她们在恢复生态系统、消除贫穷和减缓气变方面发挥作用必不可少。她领导的工作还影响着20个非洲国家森林管理中的性别平等政策。
普尼玛·德维·巴曼博士(Purnima Devi Barman)(印度)荣获商界卓识奖。她是一位野生动物学家,领导了“Hargila Army”这个完全由女性组成的草根生态保育运动,致力于保护大秃鹳免遭灭绝。这些女性创作并销售带有这种鸟类图案的纺织品,帮助人们提高对大秃鹳的认识,同时让自己实现经济独立。
帕萨·达斯古普塔爵士(Sir Partha Dasgupta)(英国)荣获科学与创新奖。他是一位杰出的经济学家,发表了关于生物多样性经济学的里程碑式报告,呼吁从根本上重新思考人类与自然界的关系,从而防止至关重要的生态系统达到危险的临界点。
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