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31 results found


Land-based marine pollution, including nutrient waste, sediments, and wastewater, is one of the most significant threats affecting the East Asian Seas (EAS). Agriculture, aquaculture, domestic and industrial waste contribute to the marine pollution problem in the region. Marine pollution not only alters the integrity of the environment but also has detrimental effects on human health. While all EAS countries implement governing policies to reduce pollution, there remain gaps to effectively address the issue, including monitoring, awareness and capacity, and enforcement.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific


Date: March 1-3

Location: Bangkok, Thailand and Online

Venue: United Nations Conference Center

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

The part two of the Twenty-fifth Intergovernmental Meeting of the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) in Hanoi, Viet Nam on 12-13 October 2022.

Working Group Meeting

The meeting will provide an update of ongoing marine litter activities, including SEA circular, and present the projects and initiatives in the pipeline, as well as updates on relevant regional and global processes. WGML focal points will provide input to the biennial workplan for implementation of the RAP MALI and the Regional Guidance on Harmonized National Marine Litter Monitoring Programmes.


Based on the earlier Desk Study on Nutrient Pollution, the COBSEA Secretariat has drafted a strategy and action plan on reducing nutrient pollution for the seas of East Asia, based on a quantitative analysis of modeled nutrient sources and impacts. This draft will be presented for guidance by COBSEA participating countries through an interactive webinar on 27 September 2022.  This draft plan is tentatively entitled “Reducing Nutrient Excess in Watersheds and Seas of East Asia” or Plan RENEWSEAS.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific


Title: Strengthening Regional Cooperation for Global Action on Marine Litter in the East Asian Seas and Northwest Pacific

(previously: Strengthening Partnership and Improving Policy to Address Marine Debris Issues)

Track 9: International Collaboration

Date & time: Tuesday, 20 September 2022, 11.00-12.00 KST

Venue: Room 109-110


The second informal consultation continues to develop the framework for COBSEA’s work on marine and coastal ecosystems in the East Asian Seas. Participating countries are invited to present their feedback on the draft framework, share their national priorities, and provide extensive recommendations that should be included in the framework at the regional and national levels.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific


The first informal consultation for COBSEA Marine and Coastal Ecosystems aims to identify and discuss actions and activities for the conservation and governance of the marine environment of the East Asian Seas. COBSEA has a rich history of working in coral reefs and marine and coastal spatial planning; this upcoming consultation builds on the momentum of these previous efforts towards fostering a holistic and inclusive strategy for COBSEA work in the marine and coastal ecosystems.


Title: Ocean and Coastal Observation and Monitoring at scale: Co-Designing the value chain from data to impact through a partnership approach

Date & venue: Friday 1 July, 16-17.15 CET, Blue Area, Altice Arena, Room 2, in-person event

Categorized Under: Global


Side Event: Collective Effort in South-East Asia to End Plastic Pollution


Event Date: 29 June 2022 at 8:00-10:00am (GMT +1) / 2:00-4:00pm (GMT +7)

Event Location: Virtual

Organized by: SEA circular project, United Nations Environment Programme

Showing 21 - 30 of 31