
Type: Working Group Meeting

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8 results found

Working Group Meeting

The Seventh Meeting of the WGML will review progress of the approved marine litter biennial workplan 2025-2026 under the COBSEA Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter (RAP MALI), identify priorities for the next biennial workplan 2027-2028, and serve as a preparatory meeting for the second part of the fifth session (INC-5.2) of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international

Working Group Meeting

The Sixth Meeting of the WGML serves as a preparatory meeting for the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-5), to discuss the role of the Regional Activity Centre on marine pollution and hosting arrangements of the Regional Node, to provide an update of activities toward achieving the Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter (RAP MALI), and to identify priorities for the ne

Working Group Meeting

The Second Meeting of the WGMCE serves to exchange national best practices and lessons learned, to provide regional and global updates of activities related to the Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (MCE) Framework, including project pipelines and exploring other opportunities and collaboration.

Working Group Meeting

The Fifth Meeting of the WGML served as a preparatory meeting for the third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3), to discuss the role of the Regional Activity Centre on marine pollution and hosting arrangements of the Regional Node, to provide an update of activities toward achieving the Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter (RAP MALI), and to identify priorities for the next biennial workplan for implementation of the RAP MALI 2025-2026.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

Working Group Meeting

Following the adoption of the Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (MCE) Framework and establishment of the WGMCE, the inaugural Meeting will serve to introduce members, discuss operationalization of the WGMCE, and identify priority activities toward developing the biennial workplan for implementation of the MCE Framework that would be presented in IGM 26.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

Working Group Meeting

The meeting will provide an update of ongoing marine litter activities, including SEA circular, and present the projects and initiatives in the pipeline, as well as updates on relevant regional and global processes. WGML focal points will provide input to the biennial workplan for implementation of the RAP MALI and the Regional Guidance on Harmonized National Marine Litter Monitoring Programmes.

Working Group Meeting

In preparation for the Twenty-fifth Intergovernmental Meeting (IGM 25) of the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA), the Third Meeting of the COBSEA Working Group on Marine Litter was held virtually on 29 and 30 June 2021.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

Working Group Meeting

The 24th Intergovernmental Meeting of COBSEA adopted the revised COBSEA Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter (RAP MALI). This includes Terms of Reference for the COBSEA Working Group on Marine Litter (WGML), promoting the implementation of the RAP MALI and providing strategic and technical support to the IGM and COBSEA Secretariat.

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