Key messages
UNEA, with its universal membership, and UNEP have a unique convening role of joining efforts towards coherent support for Member States to achieve the common objectives on climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.
Strengthening cooperation and coordination among the MEAs as well as between UNEP and the MEAs accelerates implementation at national level. Coordination between MEA national focal points and other relevant authorities is needed to address the environmental challenges coherently at the national level where the implementation of the environmental commitments takes place.
UNEA and UNEP have the opportunity to take a leadership role to support coherent and effective implementation of MEAs at the national level and facilitate the diverse use of means of implementation to foster implementation.
- New sources of financing and innovative funding mechanisms are required as the foundation for skyrocketing implementation. The collaboration between UNEP, multilateral development banks and international financial institutions is key.
Incentivizing central banks and private sector in addition to traditional international funding sources is crucial.
Innovative solutions and thinking out of the box are must-haves to support further development of means of implementation at all levels, especially towards civil society stakeholders.