This page lists all statements from Heads of State and Government, ministers, heads of delegations and stakeholders received during the main plenary sessions of OECPR-6 and UNEA-6.


Opening of the session [item 1]

Opening of the session - continued [item 1]

  • Statement by the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme
  • Statement by the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Nairobi 
  • Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Forestry of Kenya, as the representative of the host country
  • Statements by regional and political groups

Africa Group

Asia Pacific Group

Latin America and Caribbean States Group

European Union and its Member States

G77 and China

  • Member States

Joint Statement of like-minded countries


Stakeholder engagement [item 7]

  • Opening statements by each of the nine major groups

Business and Industry Major Group

Children and Youth Major Group

Farmers Major Group

Indigenous peoples and their communities Major Group

Local authorities Major Group

Non governmental organizations Major Group

Scientific and technological community Major Group

Women Major Group

Workers and trade unions Major Group

Opening of the session - continued [item 1]

Arab States Group

Final list of speakers - as delivered

National statements (by alphabetical order)

H.E. Mahi BOUMEDIENE, Permanent Representative

Her Excellency Ana Paula Chantre Luna DE CARVALHO, Minister of Environment

Her Excellency Gabriela MARTINIC, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Argentina to the United Nations in Nairobi

  • Australia - [written statement] [video message] - as delivered in plenary

Ms. Jenny DA RIN, High Commissioner to Kenya and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Environment Programme

His Excellency Mukhtar BABAYEV, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources

Her Excellency Amna HAMAD AL RUMAIHI, Deputy Chief Executive, Supreme Council For Environment

His Excellency Saber Hossain CHOWDHURY, Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

Mr. Alexander MCDONALD, Permanent Representative of Barbados to UNEP

Her Excellency Zakia KHATTABI, Minister of Climate, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal

Her Excellency Zakia KHATTABI, Minister of Climate, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal

His Excellency Kenrick WILLIAMS, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management

Ms. Tashi PEM, Director General, Department of Environment and Climate Change

His Excellency João Paulo CAPOBIANCO, Vice-Minister for the Environment and Climate Change

Ms. Nor Imtihan HAJI ABDUL RAZAK, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Development

His Excellency Nikolay SIDZHIMOV, Deputy Minister of Environment and Water

Her Excellency Mariame FOFANA, Ambassador, General Director for multilateral cooperation

His Excellency Gilberto CORREIA CARVALHO SILVA, Minister of Agriculture and Environment

His Excellency Paris CHUOP, Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment

His Excellency Pierre HELE, Minister of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development

His Excellency Steven GUILBEAULT, Minister of Environment and Climate Change

Her Excellency Maria Alejandra GUERRA FERRAZ DE ANDRADE, Ambassador of Chile and Permanent Representative to UNEP and UN-Habitat

His Excellency Runqiu HUANG, Minister of Ecology and Environment

Her Excellency Susana MUHAMAD GONZALEZ, Environmental Minister

Her Excellency Rosalie MATONDO, Minister of Forestry Economy

Mrs. Giovanna VALVERDE-STARK, Ambassador of Costa Rica to Kenya and Permanent Representative to UNEP and UN-Habitat

His Excellency Jacques Konan ASSAHORE, Minister of the Environment, Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition

His Excellency José Fidel SANTANA NÚÑEZ, First Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Environment

Her Excellency Maria PANAYIOTOU, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment

His Excellency Petr Hladík, Minister of Environment

His Excellency Kyong Jun KIM, Minister of Land and Environment Protection

Mr. David Thsibangu TSHISHIKU, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to UNON and UNEP

Her Excellency Sade FRITSCHI, Minister of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition

Her Excellency Yasmine FOUAD, Minister of the Environment

Mr. Kalekristos GEBREYESUS, Charge d'affaires of the Embassy of Eritrea in Nairobi

Her Excellency Katrin SAARSALU-LAYACHI, Special Envoy for Climate and Energy Policy

Her Excellency Fitsum ASSEFA, Minister for Planning and Development

His Excellency Filimoni Wainiqolo VOSAROGO, Minister of Lands and Mineral Resources

His Excellency Kai MYKKÄNEN, Minister of Climate and the Environment

His Excellency Hervé BERVILLE, Minister of State for Marine Affairs and Biodiversity

His Excellency Ebrima JAWARA, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources

Her Excellency Steffi LEMKE, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection

His Excellency Damptey Bediako ASARE, High Commissioner and Permanent Representative to UNON

Mr. Petros VALERIDIS, Secretary General for Natural Environment and Water, Ministry of Environment and Energy

Her Excellency Kerryne JAMES, Minister for Climate Resilience, the Environment and Renewable Energy

Her Excellency María José ITURBIDE, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources

His Excellency Hubertus VAN MEGEN, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to UNEP

His Excellency Malcolm STUFKENS, Vice Minister of Environmental and Natural Resources

Her Excellency Anikó RAISZ, Minister of State for Environment and Circular Economy

His Excellency Naresh Pal GANGWAR, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

His Excellency Alue DOHONG, Vice Minister of Environment and Forestry

His Excellency Ali SALAJEGHEH, Vice President and Head of the Department of Environment

His Excellency Nazar MOHAMED SAEED, Minister of Environment

His Excellency Ossian SMYTH, Minister of State with special responsibility for Communications and Circular Economy

His Excellency Michael LOTEM, Ambassador of Israel to Kenya

Her Excellency Vannia GAVA, Vice Minister of Environment and Energy Security

His Excellency Motome TAKISAWA, State Minister of the Environment

His Excellency Firas KHOURI, Ambassador of Jordan and Permanent Representative to UNEP and UN-Habitat

Her Excellency Zulfiya SULEIMENOVA, Special envoy to the President

Her Excellency Raminta RADAVICIENE, Vice Minister, Ministry of Environment

His Excellency Serge WILMES, Minister of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity

Mr. Andry Fidiniaina Moïse RASAMOELINA, Secretary General, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development

His Excellency Michael USI, Minister of Natural Resources and Climate Change

His Excellency Mr. Nik Nazmi NIK AHMAD, Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability

His Excellency Hassaan MOHAMED, Deputy Minister of Climate Change and Environment and Energy

  • Mauritania - [written statement] [video message] - as delivered in plenary

Her Excellency Lalya KAMARA, Minister of Environment

Mrs. Camila ZEPEDA LIZAMA, Director General for Global Issues Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mrs. Frédérique VIDAL, Permanent Representative of Monaco to the United Nations Environment Programme

Her Excellency Leila BENALI, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development

His Excellency Jeronimo CHIVAVI, High Commissioner and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Mozambique in Kenya

His Excellency Pohamba SHIFETA, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism

His Excellency Jesse JEREMIAH, Minister for Environmental Management and Agriculture

His Excellency Birendra Prasad MAHATO, Minister for Forests and Environment

  • Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - [written statement] [video message] - as delivered in plenary

Her Excellency Afke VAN RIJN, Vice Minister for Environment

Mr. Glenn WIGLEY, General Manager, Waste and Hazardous Substances New Organisms, Ministry for the Environment

Her Excellency Heyddy CALDERÓN PALMA, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources

His Excellency Iziaq Adekunle SALAKO, Minister of State

His Excellency Andreas BJELLAND ERIKSEN, Minister of Climate and Environment

His Excellency Abdullah AL-AMRI, Chairman of Environment Authority

Mr. Iftikhar-ul-Hassan SHAH, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination

His Excellency Milciades Concepción – Minister of Environment

Her Excellency Rosa ZAVALA, Vice Minister of Environmental Managment

Her Excellency Marie Charlotte TANG, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Philippines to UNEP

Ms. Joanna SZYMANSKA, Chargé d'affaires a.i.

His Excellency Duarte CORDEIRO, Minister for Environment and Climate Action

His Excellency Abdullah AL SUBAIE, Minister of Environment and Climate Change

His Excellency Sang Jun LIM, Vice Minister of Environment

Her Excellency Gentiana SERBU, Ambassador of Romania to the Republic of Kenya and Permanent Representative to UNEP and UN-Habitat

His Excellency Dmitry MAKSIMYCHEV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Kenya, Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Nairobi

  • Russian Federation - [written statement] [video message] - as delivered in plenary

His Excellency Dmitry MAKSIMYCHEV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Kenya, Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Nairobi

Her Excellency Joyelle CLARKE, Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment, Climate Action and Constituency Empowerment

His Excellency Toeolesulusulu Cedric SCHUSTER, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment

His Excellency Abdulrahman AL-FADLEY, Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture

His Excellency Ndongo DIENG, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Senegal to Kenya

His Excellency Flavien JOUBERT, Minister for Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment

His Excellency Jiwoh ABDULAI, Minister of Environment and Climate Change

Mr. Teck Kiat LIM, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment

His Excellency Uros VAJGL, Vice Minister/State Secretary, Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy

His Excellency Mininwa Johannes MAHLANGU, High Commissioner and Permanent Representative of the Republic of South Africa

His Excellency Joseph AFRICANO BARTEL, Undersecretary, Ministry of Environment and Forestry

His Excellency Hugo MORÁN FERNÁNDEZ, Secretary of State of Environment. Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge

His Excellency Ruwan WIJEWARDENE, Special Envoy of His Excellency President of Sri Lanka

His Excellency Hazem SHABAT, Chair of the Asia Pacific Group in Nairobi/ Permanent Representative of the State of Palestine to UNEP

Her Excellency Nisreen TAMIMI, Chairperson of the Environment Quality Authority of the State of Palestine

Her Excellency Mona AHMED, Secretary General for Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources

His Excellency Marciano DASAI, Minister of Spatial planning and Environment

Her Excellency Romina POURMOKHTARI, Minister for Climate and the Environment

Mr. Thalearngsak PETCHSUWAN, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Mr. Sione TUKIA LEPA, Deputy Director, Department of Environment, Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communications

Her Excellency Leila CHIKHAOUI EP MAHDAOUI, Minister of Environment of the Republic of Tunisia

Her Excellency Fatma VARANK, Vice Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change

His Excellency Nury JUMASHOV, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection

His Excellency Sam CHEPTORIS, Minister of Water and Environment

His Excellency Andrii PRAVEDNYK, Ambassador of Ukraine to Kenya

Her Excellency Amna Abdullah AL DAHAK AL SHAMSI, Minister of Climate Change and Environment

Her Excellency Rebecca POW, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Nature)

His Excellency Selemani Said JAFFO, Minister of State, Vice President's Office (Union and Environment Matters)

Her Excellency Jennifer HARWOOD, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Nairobi

His Excellency Robert BOUVIER, Minister of Environment

  • Uzbekistan - [written statement] [video message] - as delivered in plenary

His Excellency Aziz ABDUKHAKIMOV, Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change

His Excellency Ralph REGENVANU, Minister of Climate Change

His Excellency Josué Alejandro LORCA VEGA, Minister of People’s Power for Ecosocialism

Mr. Abdulsalam AL-AWADHI, Head of Mission of Yemen Embassy and Permanent Representative of Yemen to UNEP and UNHABITAT

His Excellency Collins NZOVU, Minister of Green Economy and Environment


Other statements (by alphabetical order)

Ms. Theresa MUNDITA S. LIM, Executive Director

Mr. Rolph PAYET, Executive Secretary

Ms. Amy FRAENKEL, Executive Secretary

Mr. David COOPER, Acting Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Mr. Adonai HERRERA-MARTINEZ, Director of Environment and Sustainability

Mr. David MIGWI, Operations Coordinator, Wildlife Crime.

Mr. Juan Carlos MENDOZA CASADIEGOS, Director of the Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion Division

Mr. Moustapha KAMAL GUEYE, Director, Priority Action Programme, Just transitions towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies

Ms. Grethel AGUILAR, Director General

Mr. Mahmoud FATH-ALLAH, Director, Department of Environmental and Meteorological Affairs

Mr. Benjamin SCHACHTER, Coordinator

Mrs. Hindou Oumarou IBRAHIM, Member of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

  • United Nations Development Programme - [written statement] [video message] - as delivered in plenary

Mr. Haoliang XU, Associate Administrator

Mr. Neil WALSH, Regional Representative for Eastern Africa

Ms. Monique ELOIT, Director General

High-level segment [item 9]

Consolidated summary of the 3 leadership dialogues

Summary of the multistakeholder dialogue

Adoption of the resolutions, decisions and outcome document of the session [item 12]

Ministerial declaration

  • explanation of position

European Union


Cooperation with multilateral environmental agreements [item 10]

Summary of the MEA dialogues

International environmental policy and governance issues [item 5]

Report by the Chair, Committee of the Whole

Adoption of the resolutions, decisions and outcome of the session [item 12]

  • Introduction of draft resolutions

Ethiopia on UNEP/EA.6/L.14

Belgium on behalf of the European Union on UNEP/EA.6/L.16 and UNEP/EA.6/L.18

Saudi Arabia on UNEP/EA.6/L.17

  • Explanation of position

El Salvador


Sri Lanka

Stakeholder engagement (resumed) [item 7]

Joint closing statement - Major groups and stakeholders

Election of officers [item 13]

Closure of the session [item 16]

  • Statements by regional and political groups

Statement by the Groupe des Ambassadeurs Francophones (GAF)

Statement by the European Union

26 Feb 2024 - 1 Mar 2024
Nairobi, Kenya

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