Notification by the Executive Director
- Notification by the Executive Director
Pre-session documents
Official documents
- UNEP/EA.7/1 - Provisional agenda
- UNEP/EA.7/1/Add.1 - Annotated provisional agenda
- UNEP/EA.7/2 - Advancing sustainable solutions for a resilient planet. Report of the Executive Director
- UNEP/EA.7/3 - Draft medium-term strategy for the period 2026 - 2029
- UNEP/EA.7/4 - Draft programme of work and budget for the biennium 2026 - 2027
- UNEP/EA.7/4/Add.1 - Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions on the draft programme of work and budget for the biennium 2026 - 207
- UNEP/EA.7/5 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 5/1 on animal welfare environment and sustainable development nexus. Report of the Executive Director
- UNEP/EA.7/6 - Seventh Global Environment Outlook – Summary of Policymakers. Note by the secretariat
- UNEP/EA.7/7 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 5/6 on biodiversity and health. Report of the Executive Director
- UNEP/EA.7/8 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 5/8 on science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution. Report of the Executive Director.
- UNEP/EA.7/9 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 6/1 on circularity of a resilient, low-carbon sugar cane agro-industry. Report of the Executive Director.
- UNEP/EA.7/10 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 6/3 on enhancing the role and viability of regional forums of environment ministers and United Nations Environment Programme regional offices in achieving multilateral cooperation in tackling environmental challenges. Report of the Executive Director
- UNEP/EA.7/11 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 6/4 on promoting synergies, cooperation or collaboration for national implementation of multilateral environmental agreements and other relevant environmental instruments. Report of the Executive Director / Progress in the implementation of resolution 6/6 on fostering national action to address global environmental challenges through increased cooperation between the United Nations Environment Assembly, the United Nations Environment Programme and multilateral environmental agreements. Report of the Executive Director
- UNEP/EA.7/12 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 6/5 on environmental aspects of minerals and metals. Report of the Executive Director
- UNEP/EA.7/13 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 6/7 on combating sand and dust storms. Report of the Executive Director
- UNEP/EA.7/14 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 6/8 on promoting sustainable lifestyles. Report of the Executive Director
- UNEP/EA.7/15 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 6/9 on sound management of chemicals and waste to address lead, cadmium, arsenic and organotins. Report of the Executive Director
- UNEP/EA.7/16 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 6/9 on sound management of chemicals and waste. Report of the Executive Director
- UNEP/EA.7/17 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 6/10 on promoting regional cooperation on air pollution to improve air quality globally. Report by the Executive Director.
- UNEP/EA.7/18 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 6/11 on highly hazardous pesticides. Report by the Executive Director.
- UNEP/EA.7/19 - Progress in implementing resolution 6/12 on environmental assistance and recovery in areas affected by armed conflict. Report by the Executive Director.
- UNEP/EA.7/20 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 6/13 on effective and inclusive solutions for strengthening water policies to achieve sustainable development in the context of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Report by the Executive Director.
- UNEP/EA.7/21 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 6/14 on strengthening international efforts to combat desertification and land degradation, restore degraded land, promote land conservation and sustainable land management, contribute to land degradation neutrality, and enhance drought resilience. Report by the Executive Director.
- UNEP/EA.7/22 - Progress in the implementation of resolution 6/15 on strengthening ocean efforts to tackle climate change, marine biodiversity loss and pollution. Report by the Executive Director.
Information documents
- UNEP/EA.7/INF/1 - Scenario note for the seventh session of the United Nations Environment Assembly. Note by the Secretariat
- UNEP/EA.7/INF/2 - Report of the Committee of Permanent Representatives. Note by the secretariat
- UNEP/EA.7/INF/3 - Compilation of statements and recommendations by major groups and stakeholders for consideration by the United Nations Environment Assembly at its seventh session. Note by the secretariat
- UNEP/EA.7/INF/4 - Information on the implementation of decision 6/6 on the management of trust funds and earmarked contributions. Note by the secretariat
- UNEP/EA.7/INF/5 - Global Environmental Data Strategy. Note by the secretariat
- UNEP/EA.7/INF/6 - Information on the implementation of resolution 6/4 on promoting synergies, cooperation or collaboration for national implementation of multilateral environmental agreements and other relevant environmental instruments and resolution 6/6 on fostering national action to address global environmental challenges through increased cooperation between the United Nations Environment Assembly, the United Nations Environment Programme and multilateral environmental agreements. Note by the secretariat
- UNEP/EA.7/INF/7 - State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals 2012: updated report. Note by the secretariat
- UNEP/EA.7/INF/8 - Information on the implementation of resolution6/3 on enhancing the role and viability of regional forums of environment ministers and United Nations Environment Programme regional offices in achieving multilateral cooperation in tackling environmental challenges. Note by the secretariat