UN Environment held its first Faith for Earth Dialogue during the UN Environment Assembly 11–15 March 2019. The Dialogue was attended by 135 faith leaders who engaged in discussions over the five days of the Assembly, where 62 speakers representing 56 organizations presented their views and experiences on a number of issues. This paper thematically synthetizes the presentations and dialogue, highlighting examples of best practices in terms of innovation from faith-based organizations for sustainable consumption and production, priorities that have come through from discussions and potential areas for collaboration and cooperation.”
United Nations Environment Programme
- Sobre nosotros
- Regiones
Explora los temas
- Aire
- Bioseguridad
- Cities
- Tecnología
- Desastres y conflictos
- Energía
- Medio ambiente bajo revisión
- Gobernanza ambiental
- Industria extractiva
- Bosques
- Food Systems
- Agua
- Igualdad de género
- Economía verde
- Océanos y mares
- Eficiencia de recursos
- Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
- Transporte
- Educación y capacitación
- Ciencia y datos