The GEO process includes several preparatory elements, a production phase which includes several author writer’s sprints and a final review and approval phase.
•Firstly the process must establish it’s advisory bodies, in this case the IMAG and MESAG.
•For this GEO, significant preparatory work will go into the digital transformation.
•There will also be an author and fellows nomination and selection phase as well as a call for collaborating centres and technical support units;
•During the production phase authors will work in steps to produce the first and second order drafts as well as address the review comments from experts and governments.
•A progress report will likely be produced at UNEA-6 to keep Member States informed of important developments;
•Finally, the Summary for Policymakers of the GEO will need to be drafted and negotiated.
•Both the main report and SPM will be launched and endorsed at a future UNEA, likely UNEA-7 in 2026.
The GEO-7 timeline is available here.