• Overview

When: Monday, 8 November at 19:00-21:00 (GMT) / 22:00pm (EAT)

Where: Livestream to this event / Nature Zone Pavilion at COP26

This COP26 reception, "Celebrating Successes of Nature-based Solutions to Climate Adaptation," will be an exciting opportunity to reflect on the successes of EbA around the world from the last decade and to jointly raise awareness and build on the momentum to continue accelerating progress on working with nature to boost climate resilience.

Among other ministerial announcements will be an important announcement around the Global EbA Fund, co-implemented by UNEP and IUCN under Germany's International Climate Initiative.

Colleagues currently in Glasgow are welcome to join the reception in person. If you're joining online, the Livestream to this event will also be available at: www.tinyurl.com/Nature-Zone-Stream.

We will also be promoting quotes and updates live on social media via IUCN channels as well as www.twitter.com/FriendsofEbA.