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168 results found
The Jordan Integrated Landscape Management Initiative (JILMI) aims to combat the adverse effects of climate change in one of the most water scarce and drought-prone countries in the world.
The Jordan Integrated Landscape Management Initiative (JILMI) aims to combat the adverse effects of climate change in one of the most water scarce and drought-prone countries in the world.
Tanzania’s Kigoma region hosts a population of approximately 2.4 million and over 190,000 refugees from neighbouring countries, the majority of whom live in the refugee camps of Nduta and Nyarugusu. • These settlements, which were rapidly established in response to critical humanitarian needs, are located in areas where the surrounding ecosystems are being degraded.
Tanzania’s Kigoma region hosts a population of approximately 2.4 million and over 190,000 refugees from neighbouring countries, the majority of whom live in the refugee camps of Nduta and Nyarugusu. • These settlements, which were rapidly established in response to critical humanitarian needs, are located in areas where the surrounding ecosystems are being degraded.
Keep up to date on the latest adaptation news through the GAN Newsletter! This edition covers a range of themes, from the use of AI in adapting to climate change to the launch of phase II of the Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator!
The World Adaptation Science Programme Science-for-Adaptation Policy Brief on Knowledge Gaps and Policy Needs to Tackle Loss and Damage is the eighth issue in the series published by eight international agencies that form the Wor
Protecting the world’s forests and mangroves could prevent a loss of around USD$500 billion every year from the impacts of climate change.
As climate impacts intensify and hit the world’s poorest, The Adaptation Gap Report 2024: Come hell and high water finds that nations must dramatically increase climate adaptation efforts, starting with a commitment to act on finance.
The State of Finance for Nature in Cities 2024 report: From Grey to Green: Better data to finance nature in cities, highlights the need for better data and tools to help cities integrate
Keep up to date on the latest adaptation news through the GAN Newsletter! In this edition we cover a range of themes, including a new $60 million initiative in Jordan and the use of mobile apps that offer tailored climate-smart solutions for smallholders farmers.
South Sudan in eastern Central Africa,is one of the world’s most fragile states and one of the most underdeveloped countries in the world. Communities in South Sudan are particularly reliant on natural resources for their livelihoods, and approximately 86% of rural households rely on rain-fed agriculture and animal husbandry as their main source of livelihood.
Like many Pacific islands, Tuvalu is considered one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change because the country’s nine islands are small low-lying atolls, with an average height of 1 meter-above-sea level. Natural ecosystems in Tuvalu – including mangroves, coastal forest and coral reefs – provide key defenses for communities against the impacts of sea level rise and storms.
Timor-Leste is home to a wide range of globally important ecosystems, including tropical rainforests, mangroves, and wetlands. These landscapes face multiple threats, including climate change and unsustainable agricultural practices, with approximately 90% of the forests across the country having been cleared or logged.
Keep up to date on the latest adaptation news through the GAN Newsletter! In this edition we cover a range of themes, including the devastation of Cyclone Remal and the launch of five new case studies on the practice of ecosystem-based adaptation!
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is helping cities in Latin America and the Caribbean to adapt to climate change with a project titled Building climate resilience of urban systems through Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is helping cities in Latin America and the Caribbean to adapt to climate change with a project titled Building climate resilience of urban systems through Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has been working with the Government of Sudan and partners on a project titled Enhancing the resilience of communities living in climate change vulnerable areas of Sudan using Ecosystem Based approaches to Adaptation (EbA). Funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF)’s Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF), the project has helped to b
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is helping cities in Latin America and the Caribbean to adapt to climate change with a project titled Building climate resilience of urban systems through Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) crosses over six countries, including Thailand and Viet Nam, and supports 75 million people living who rely on its natural resources. Despite the critical importance of the ecosystems of the GMS, they face multiple threats that reduce their capacity to provide goods and services for local communities that depend on these ecosystems for livelihoods.
Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is a strategy for adapting to climate change that harnesses nature-based solutions and ecosystem services. Over the past decade, the UN Environment Programme has embraced the practice as a cost-effective and holistic adaptation approach, now supporting more than 50 EbA projects across the world.
Keep up to date on the latest adaptation news through the GAN Newsletter! In this edition we cover a range of themes, including the culmination of Cop28 and the launch of Nepal's new $47 billion National Adaptation Plan! Stay tuned for our wrap up of adaptation news from Cop28!
The National Adaptation Plan of Nepal was prepared by the Government of Nepal through the Project ‘Building Capacity to Advance National Adaptation Plan Process in Nepal’. The Project has been supported by Green Climate Fund (GCF) and executed by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The NAP aims to:
With climate adaptation set to be a major topic at Cop28, UNEP has published a new policy brief to better inform climate adaptation planning and implementation.
A project supported by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is aiming to increase the capacity of Rwandan authorities and local communities to adapt to climate change using nature-based solutions, an approach referred to as ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA).
This Brief is a consolidated documentation of knowledge shared during the Global Goal on Adaptation Discussion Track at the 9th EbA Knowledge Day (KD). It serves as a knowledge product for practitioners and policymakers engaged in this topic at the global, national, and local levels.
Showing 1 - 25 of 168