• Overview

Date & Time: Thursday 7th September at 12pm-1pm (East Africa Time)
Venue: Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi (Karre Mountain Room)

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Join us for this session at the Africa Climate Week! Climate-related disasters are increasingly affecting
African livelihoods, disproportionately impacting vulnerable groups and posing significant risks for millions across the continent. This session highlights how UN agencies are helping to address these challenges by connecting African stakeholders and closing adaptation knowledge gaps.

The session will feature interactive discussions that showcase successful initiatives and practices that foster collaboration and inclusivity among stakeholders. It will present examples of locally-led climate solutions focused on water, agriculture, and more. Crucially, the session will contribute to the Global Stocktake (GST) process by identifying region-specific initiatives that scale up support and preparedness for the 1.5°C trajectory and beyond, offering methodologies and financing approaches that are already delivering results.

For more information, please contact rojas-ferreira@ehs.unu.edu

For climate adaptation resources, visit us here.