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When: Wednesday 30th March 2022, 9:30AM - 11:00AM (GMT-5)

Where: Virtual on YouTube. For English streaming, click here and for Spanish streaming, click here.

The need for solutions addressing and adapting to climate change is critical for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The region increasingly faces challenges posed by the physical impacts of climate change, such as drought, flooding, landslide. All sectors of the society must adapt, and UNEP is continuously supporting both governments and the private sector in this transition. Two opportunities are currently opened for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

The Adaptation SME Accelerator Project (ASAP Accelerator), funded by the SCCF-GEF, Conservation International and IADB, and run by The Lightsmith Group and Village Capital, is focused on supporting startups and small and medium-sized enterprises that are scaling market-based and contextualized solutions to critical climate adaptation and resilience challenges. Applications to join the accelerator are open until April 8th, and the full eligibility requirements and application can be found here.

The Global EbA Fund, run by UNEP and IUCN, provides rapid and targeted support through seed capital for innovative approaches to ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) to climate change. The Fund supports initiatives to help diverse actors overcome identified barriers to upscaling EbA by prioritizing filling in planning, knowledge, and resource gaps. GEBAF encourages applications from non-traditional actors with innovative and impactful EbA initiatives for funding. Grants will be in the range of USD 50,000 to USD 250,000. The next cut-off date is 15 July 2022, learn more here.

Join the session and learn how to apply to these initiatives!


  • Sumalee Khosla, Climate change finance expert, UNEP.
  • Brian Parham, Fellow and ASAP Program Manager for The Lightsmith
  • Norah Cherotich Ngeny, Associate programme management officer, UNEP.
  • Angela Prias, Moderator. Global Adaptation Network, UNEP


For more information, contact Angela Prias: angela.priasmahecha@un.org