When: 18th August 2021 at 9am-10:30am (CET) / 4pm-5:30pm (Tokyo) / 2:00pm-3:30pm (Bangkok)
Where: Register here
Addressing the key barriers to the uptake and scaling up of Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EbA) and building resilience within communities will require innovative and catalytic approaches and solutions. The recently launched IKI Global EbA Fund, co-implemented by IUCN and UNEP, aims to provide rapid and targeted support through seed capital for innovative approaches to scale up EbA.
To support the Fund, the Global Adaptation Network (GAN) is holding regional dialogues to gather inputs from key stakeholders and actors on the main challenges to EbA uptake and upscaling. For the Asia-Pacific region, IUCN Asia Regional Office and UNEP, as the co-leads for the Nature-based Resilience Stream at the 7th APAN Forum, will organize a webinar to share information about the Fund, discuss catalytic and innovative EbA solutions and gather examples and lessons learned to overcome key EbA challenges with a focus on adaptation knowledge, governance and financing.
Click here to register for the webinar.
For more information about the Global EbA Fund, please visit: www.GlobalEbAFund.org