• Overview

When: 31st January 2023 at 2pm-4pm (ICT)
Where: Register here

Hosted by the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network, this webinar aims to enhance regional adaptation practitioners' knowledge and understanding of the Global Goal on Adaptation and the Glasgow-Sharm El-Sheikh (GlaSS) Work Program on the Global Goal on Adaptation. It will serve as a space to take stock of the achievements since COP 26, mid-way into the GlaSS work program and expectations for 2023, with recent COP 27 decision. We will hear the latest updates directly from the UNFCCC secretariat.

It will also provide an opportunity to participate and share perspectives on what could be an ambitious yet 'workable' GGA and review good practices of goal-setting in the region.

For more information, contact helene.marre@un.org